Tag Archive for ‘Iraq’
Wednesday 27 November
Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Canticle of Daniel 3:4-6; Luke 21:12-19 Persecution of Christians Jesus warns his disciples that they will be persecuted for their faith in him. They will suffer, perhaps terribly. Here in New Zealand we may have memories of the occasional insult and some discrimination against Catholics. But it is nothing compared […]

Troops Overseas
New Zealand has once again committed troops in an overseas deployment. The country’s stated aim is to assist in the training of the Iraqi army. These trained soldiers will be equipped to face the terrorist forces of ISIS. Any commitment to a war zone is a step towards uncertainty. Whether the training of the Iraqi […]

Expulsion of Eastern Christians
The expulsion of Christians from Iraq’s second largest city has been compared to 1930’s Nazi Germany by a former British ambassador to the Holy See. Francis Campbell, who served in Rome from 2005 to 2011, said he was deeply disturbed by the West’s indifference to the events in Mosul. The extremist Islamic State of Iraq […]