Tag Archive for ‘Iran’
Sunday 9 April
Passion (Palm) Sunday Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 22; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew 26:14-27:66 My God, my God … The heart-wrenching cry of Jesus on the cross, ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?’ is echoed down the centuries in the voices of those who suffer. In our own time, in the Holy Land, in Syria, […]

November Crossword
Solution for October Across: 1 Rood, 3 Khartoum, 9 Madonna, 10 Hours, 11 Mores, 12 Embody, 14 Expose, 16 Praise, 19 Temple, 21 Sinai, 24 Evict, 25 Sedilia, 26 Temporal, 27 Envy. Down: 1 Remember, 2 Order, 4 Heaven, 5 Rahab, 6 Opus Dei, 7 Mass, 8 Gnosis, 13 Seminary, 15 Premium, 17 Reside, 18 […]