A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘humility’

Sunday 7 December

2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11, Psalm 85, Peter 3:8-14; Mark 1:1-8 The voice of God speaks to us from all the readings including the Psalm. Prepare the way. Send out the message. God is approaching. In Advent we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We should also prepare ourselves for the second […]

Perfectly Less Than Ideal

Sometimes mothers give birth in less than ideal conditions, such as in a car on the side of the road, unable to reach the hospital in time. I don’t think Mary planned on giving birth in a stable at Bethlehem either. But these things happen. Still, what was God thinking? He organised visitors, a star […]

Francis speaks to the Synod and on St Teresa of Avila

“Speak clearly, listen with humility, accept with an open heart” Vatican City, 6 October 2014 (VIS) – Vatican City, 6 October 2014 (VIS) – This morning, in the presence of the Holy Father, the First General Congregation of the Synod of Bishops on “Pastoral challenges to the family in the context of new evangelisation” took […]

Friday 21 November

Presentation of Mary Apocalypse 10: 8-11; Psalm 119P; Luke 19: 45-48 Love holy places Places of worship are sacred – although sometimes people forget or choose to ignore this. Jesus makes his views on this very clear – he expects us to go to his father’s house to pray. Let us pray today for piety. […]

Friday 29 August

Passion of John the Baptist Jeremiah 1: 17-19; Ps 71; Mark 6: 17-29 The power of God’s persuasion Jeremiah was a reluctant prophet. He wasn’t a confident speaker so God needed to convince him he could do it. He also needed to reassure him that no matter what hostility he faced, he would be with […]

Saturday 28 June

Immaculate Heart of Mary Lament.2:2, 10-14,18-19, Ps. 74, Matthew 8: 5-17 Home spun miracles Miracles happen in places where there is great faith and hearts are humble. Humility is an honest assessment of myself before God. God saw Mary’s pure heart and loved her humility so much he found a home in it. Jesus found […]

Wednesday 18 June

2 Kings 2:1,6-14, Ps. 31, Matthew 6: 1-6,16-18 Being ordinarily holy Sometimes we are poor judges of our Christian goodness. The world soon cuts us down to size. This is as it should be. When there is too much of me and not enough of God in my life I am better to be part […]

Saturday 29 March

Hosea 5:15-6:6, Ps 51, Luke 18:9-14 It’s about love, not judgement Humility can be a hard lesson. We try to please God and may feel delighted with our progress – for example, by using prayer and self-discipline to overcome particular faults. Nevertheless, Jesus points out we mustn’t judge others: rather, we should persist in humbly […]

Tuesday 25 March

ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10, Ps 40, Hebrews 10:4-10, Luke 1:26-38 Humble obedience On the feast of the Annunciation last year, Pope Francis spoke of humility. “Making progress means lowering oneself” on the road of humility to allow God’s love to be clearly seen. Christian humility raises us to God, as those who […]

Sunday 27 October

Thirtieth Week Ordinary Time Ecclesiasticus 35:12-14, 16-19, Psalm 34,2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14 “Jesus told this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness. The Pharisee prayed, ‘thank God I am not like the rest of humanity, greedy and dishonest’. The tax collector stood at a distance and prayed, ‘O God be […]