A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘humility’

Mary Assumed into Heaven / The Eucharist

Mary Assumed into Heaven The poet Dante calls the Virgin Mary, “humbler and loftier than any creature” (Paradise, XXXIII, 2). It is beautiful to think that the humblest and loftiest creature in history, the first to win heaven with her entire being, in soul and body, lived out her life for the most part within […]

Thursday 11 February

Our Lady of Lourdes (OM) World Day of Prayer for the Sick Genesis 2:18-25; Psalm 128:1-5; Mark 7:24-30 A Gentile faith, humility, and love How would you feel if someone called you a dog? The Syrophoenician mother in today’s gospel demonstrated faith, humility and love. She accepted her gentile status of ‘nothing’, as a ‘house […]

Monday 2 December

Isaiah 4:2-6; Psalm 122:1-2, 4-5, 6-9; Matthew 8:5-11 A haughty spirit The centurion said he was not worthy. His humility opened the door for Jesus to come in. God’s love is always freely given. People who go to church can sometimes be tempted to think of themselves as more worthy than those who don’t. And […]

Saturday 17 August

Joshua 24:14-29, Psalm 16, Matthew 19: 13-15 Excluding some people? The disciples try to exclude bothersome children. They had not understood Jesus’ teaching on becoming “as little children” (Matt 18:1ff). In Jesus’ time children had no status or power. Jesus gives the disciples an object lesson in humility. To such as these…the kingdom of heaven […]

A School for Prayer (22) – Spiritual Guidance (1 of 5)

The ancient tradition of the spiritual life By Fr Craig  Larkin sm, 1943 – 2015 Who will guide me on the journey? The tradition of Spiritual Accompaniment If we are climbing a mountain for the first time, or making a sea-journey for the first time, we need to have with us, as a companion and […]

Saturday 30 March

Hosea 5:15-6:6; Psalm 51; Luke 18:9-14. Being humble Pride can take many forms, from being conceited and judgemental to denying our own weaknesses and mistakes. An honest and balanced humility, on the other hand, involves having a realistic understanding of who we are before God. We are people who have weaknesses but are loved by […]

Saturday 12 January

1 John 5:14-21; Psalm 149:1-6, 9; John 3:22-30 Humility At least some of the Baptist’s disciples saw Jesus as a rival to John. But John saw no rivalry, and recognised his own place in the scheme of things. He acknowledged that Jesus would come to take centre-stage and he was happy about this. Humility is […]

Thursday 11 October

Galatians 3:1-5; Canticle Luke 2:29-32; Luke 11:5-13 Always Ready to Respond Most of us would perhaps be very reluctant to disturb any of our friends in the middle of the night, unless it was a matter of extreme necessity. Certainly, needing to offer hospitality to a visitor probably wouldn’t qualify as grounds for disturbing another […]

Saturday 4 November

St Charles Borromeo Romans 11:1-2, 11-12, 25-29; Psalm 94; Luke 14:1, 7-11. Accepting who I am The ‘wedding feast’ story today is a story of humility. We hear a lot about this virtue, but what is it? Thomas Aquinas said humility “is seeing ourselves as God sees us.” Often, we prefer to see ourselves as […]

Monday 18 September

1 Timothy 2:1-8, Psalm 28, Luke 7:1-10 Humble souls What part does prayer play in my faith life? Do I just shoot off a few petitionary prayers to heaven when something goes wrong? Am I stuck in my daily reflections on the Word, not getting anything out of them? Do I find the liturgy of […]