A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘hope’

Sunday 30 November

First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 63:16-17, 64:1,3-8; Ps 80; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37 Light from light How often do we, in the quiet of our hearts, wish we were privileged to wait with Jesus in Gethsemane? We are sure we would have stayed awake, praying for him. Yet, many of us fall asleep on […]

Wednesday 13 August

Ezekiel 9: 1-7, 10: 18-22; Ps 113;Matthew 18:15-20 Praise the Lord Alleluia! The opening word sum up this short psalm. What the psalm lacks in length it more than makes up for in praises to God. “His glory transcends the heavens!” “Enthroned so high, he needs to stoop to see the sky and earth!” What […]

Thursday 10 July

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9;Ps 80; Matthew 10:7-15 No free lunches Jesus instructs the Apostles. “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay. Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff”. Jesus […]

Tuesday 29 April

St Catherine of Sienna Acts 4:32-37, Ps 93, John 3:7-15 The hope of eternal life Jesus speaks to Nicodemus in today’s gospel about being born of the Spirit and of being born from above. He is speaking of our birth into Christ through the waters of baptism. In baptism, we become a new creation in […]

Friday 25 April

Anzac Day Acts 4:1-12, Ps 118, John 21:1-14 We will remember them That Jesus died and rose again means that we have the hope of eternal life. The men and women of the two World Wars who made the ultimate sacrifice gave their lives so that their countrymen could have freedom. Today we remember them […]

Tuesday 22 April

Acts 2:36-41, Ps 33, John 20:11-18 What’s in a name “Mary.” Jesus spoke her name and Mary of Magadala knew it was him. It meant so much to her, the way he said her name. At the tomb, that morning, Mary of Magdala got her life back again. Her grief turned to joy. The love […]

Monday 21 April

Acts 2:14, 22-33, Ps 16, Matt 28:8-15 A story and a message For the women who came to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty there was great excitement. Through the angel, the empty tomb offered the women a message of hope: “He has risen”. For the guards of the tomb and for the […]

Saturday 19 April

Holy Saturday Romans 6:3-11, Ps 1138 Matt 28:1-10 No need to fear The day after Jesus died was a day of grief and terror for his disciples. They had lost hope that he would establish the kingdom of God among them. The expectation that he would be their saviour had been snuffed out. There was […]

Wednesday 2 April

Isaiah 49:8-15, Ps 145, John 5:17-30 The source of life In Jesus, we find the inspiration and the energy for the fullness of life in this world. In him, we also find the promise and the hope of eternal happiness in the life to come. When Jesus is for us the source of life, we […]

Monday 3 March

1 Peter 1:3-9, Ps 111, Mark 10:17-27 What do I treasure? If you were asked to identify what you treasure most, what would you say? Would your spontaneous answer include the gift of love – of God, of your family, friends, or the world around you? What about faith in God’s word and hope in […]