Tag Archive for ‘hope’
Wednesday 2 March
Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9, Ps 147B, Matthew 5:17-19 Loving God’s law Am I a person who follows Jesus, who lives God’s law and heeds the timeless words of the prophets? Does my life reveal wisdom and prudence to those around me? The truth and power of lay spirituality on the streets comes about when I take […]
Thursday 28 January
St Thomas Aquinas (pictured at right)) 2 Samuel 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132; Mark 4:21-25 Nothing hidden Our lives reflect God’s light, always, if sometimes less brightly than we might hope. It is sin that dims God’s light in us and makes us less generous in the ‘amount we measure out’ in self-giving for the good […]
Saturday 17 October
St Ignatius of Antioch Romans 4:13, 16-18, Ps 105, Luke 12:8-12 Look at the stars “Though it seemed that Abraham’s hope could not be fulfilled, he hoped and he believed, and through doing so he did become the father of many nations.” His descendents were as many as the stars of heaven. Go outside tonight […]
Monday 7 September
Colossians 1:24-2:3; Ps.62; Luke 6:6-11 Christ in you Pope Francis wrote of his hope that we grow less fearful of remaining enclosed within harsh or lifeless structures. Jesus breaks through the law regarding the Sabbath. He restores someone’s hand. What is withered or diminished within you? Tell Jesus of your desire to be moved more […]
Monday 8 June
Week Ten of Ordinary Time 2 Corinthians 1:1-7, Ps 34, Matthew 5:1-12. To be blessed Jesus invites us to see the world as fundamentally a blessing. This world and our life in it are a gift from God to us. Even those things which can cause us to suffer will ultimately be redeemed and transformed […]
Tuesday 19 May
Acts 20:17-27, Ps. 68, John 17:1-11 To the glory of God Jesus says: “I am praying for them (my followers)… they belong to you: all I have is Yours.” Paul says: “I have without faltering put before you (the Ephesians) the whole of God’s purpose.” So Our Lord and Saviour and his Apostle to the […]
Friday 27th March
Jeremiah 20:10-13, Ps.18, John 10:31-42 What are your words of love and friendship for God? Children love superheroes. Jeremiah calls the Lord his hero. Some years ago a fireman lay for hours under an overturned petrol tanker, putting himself in grave danger to keep a little trapped girl talking, holding her hand and reassuring her […]
Wednesday 18 February
Ash Wednesday Joel 2:12-18; Psalm 51; 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Repentance is now Now is the time to return our hearts to the Lord. Now is the time to seek the tender compassion of our God. Lent is the ‘now’ of conversion. Lent is the ‘now’ to be reconciled to God. The Lord […]
Wednesday 31 December
SAINT SYLVESTER 1 John 2:18-21, Psalm 96, John 1:1-18 Hope Today’s gospel is greatly loved by those who recall it being read at the end of each Mass. It makes the heart and mind soar. A gift of light and grace. The concept of a divine person taking on a human form and nature, and […]
Thursday 25 December
THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD Is. 52:7-10, Ps. 98, Heb. 1:1-6, John 1:1-18 The first Noel Glory to God in the highest. Peace to those of goodwill. A Saviour is born to us. A new hope for a world of divisions and hatred. The promise is still there, if we will follow the example of […]