A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘hope’

Saturday 12 January

1 John 5:14-21;Ps 149:1-5.6a.9b; John 3:22-30 He must grow greater John the Baptist is a fine model for living our faith. As we grow in faith, hope and love we become more like Christ and our ego grows smaller. The goodness of our lives helps people to know God, for ‘we are in the true […]

Saturday 29 December

St Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr 1 John 2:3-11, Ps 96, Luke 2:22-35 Presentation The Gospel readings during the Christmas season speak of the manifestation of Christ. Today Jesus is taken to be presented to the Lord. We can just imagine the delight in Simeon’s eyes and heart as he carefully took the child Jesus in […]

Tuesday 18 December

Jeremiah 23:5-8, Ps72, Matthew 1:18-24 Exile then renewal Jeremiah has been full of the disappointments of the years that saw the collapse of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, followed by the exile. However he now sees hope for the future among those purified by the exile. The Messiah, coming from the Davidic line, will be […]

Monday 10 December

Is 35:1-10, Ps 85, Lk 5:17-26 Advent a time for hope This promise recorded by Isaiah was about the first coming of the Messiah, but is for this Advent too. Isaiah urges me: “Courage! Do not be afraid, look your God is coming…” The message is one of comfort and hope. Our Saviour will bring […]

Identity Crisis

Who are you? Sadly many individuals these days identify themselves with the watch they wear, the car they drive, their clothes, the names they can drop, or the size and location of their house. Unwittingly they are the creation of modern marketing…they’re just brands of merchandise. Others identify themselves with their job status, the sport […]

Getting a Handle on Things

I’ve just spent a week in the Marlborough Sounds with my old yachting mate, Pat, at his bach. Nothing much to do.  Nothing much we can do.  He’s 91 and I’m 81. So I have all the time in the world to do some serious thinking to get a better handle on things,  with the […]