A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘hope’

Tuesday 28 May

Ecclesiasticus 35:1-12, Ps 50, Mark 10:28-31 Love God with all your heart God’s unconditional goodness and love is expressed over and over again in our lives. He is with us always, helping, providing and blessing us with opportunities to come to know and love him. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God as […]

Sunday 12 May

ASCENSION OF OUR LORD Acts1:1-11, Ps 47:1-2, 6-7, 9, Hebrews9:24-28 10:19-23, Luke 24:46-53 Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension provide us with the hope that at the end of our lives here on earth we will be blessed with the glory of eternal life with him in his kingdom. May we gladly do his bidding: it […]

Thursday 2 May

ST ATHANASIUS, B.D. (m) Acts15:7-21, Ps 96, John 15:9-11 Love Generously God’s love embraces all people of all nations, and his message of love and hope is for everyone. Let us meet all people with joy and gladness, seeing God’s face in theirs, and welcoming his infinite diversity. Today Lord, I offer my prayers for […]

Thursday 25 April

Anzac Day Isaiah 9:1-6, Ps 116, John 14:23-29 Hope for the living The readings today give hope for those living that those who have died in war may be with God in heaven. To visit a war cemetery in Europe is to sense the waste that is war. Yet almost a century ago the Christian […]

Easter Reflections

The Cross and the Crown by Lalla Loeffen Jesus says to us, “Take up your cross daily and follow me”.  He asks us to accept the pain and suffering, the hardship and trials that life brings, and walk with Him through it all The cross is the symbol of our redemption. Through his suffering on […]

Tuesday 26 March

Psalm 71, Isaiah 49:1-6, John 13:21-23,36-38 God, our help and hope Psalm 71 is the testimony of a mature adult believer. He looks back on his youthful years and declares God’s faithfulness. He looks forward to advancing years and declares his unshakeable trust in God. His faith is strong, even though his physical strength is […]

Saturday 23 March

Canticle Jer 31:10-13, Ezekiel 37:21-28 John 11:45-56, A choice to make Life and death, faith and fear, hope and dread all swirl together at the conclusion of the account of Lazarus’ death and return to life. Many of the Jews who witness the man’s amazing resurrection put their faith in Jesus. They have seen the […]

Sunday 17 March

fifth sunday of lent Psalm 126, Isaiah 43:16-21, Phil 3:8-14 John 8:1-11 Filled with joy At the centre of this psalm is the phrase “we are filled with joy”. The words that come before it are a backward glance. The words that come after it are a forward look. Joy has both a memory and […]

Friday 1 February

Hebrews 10:32-39, Ps.37, Mark 4:26-34 The God of small beginnings We worship a God of infinite greatness, yet this great, almighty God seems content with small beginnings. Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God does not start with great fanfares, but begins quietly, almost imperceptibly, as seeds grow. Seeds are so tiny, so insignificant, […]

Tuesday 22 January

Hebrews 6:10-20; Ps 111: 1-2.4-5.9.10c; Mark 2: 23-28 An anchor for our soul God’s promise to Abraham, our father in faith, has been renewed in Christ’s sacrifice, for all people of all time. Today’s Psalm assures us that the Lord is not only compassion and love, but he ‘keeps his covenant ever in mind’. This […]