Tag Archive for ‘Hail Mary’
Monday 24 May
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church (M) Ecclesiasticus 17:24-29; Psalm 32; Mark 10:17-27 Hail Mary, full of grace Mary responded to the invitation to be the mother of God with her “yes,” that echoed throughout all of her being and all of her life from that moment on. The graciousness of her “yes” is […]
Monday 7 October
Our Lady of the Rosary (M) Acts 1:12-14; Response: Magnificat, Luke 1:46-55; Luke 1:26-38 Hail Mary, full of grace The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Christ-centred prayer. Just as the ‘Hail Mary’ in each decade focuses on Jesus – ‘fruit’ of Mary’s womb – as the centre-point, so, too, Jesus is the […]
Monday 9 April
The Annunciation of the Lord Isaiah 7:10-14,8:10; Hebrews 10:4-10; Ps 40; Luke 1:26-38 Trust in the Lord A lovely reading from Luke. Was Mary terrified by the first words of the Angel? Then she accepts what is going to happen. A brave lady. Like Mary, shall we accept the challenges and trials that God sends […]

Mary for the Third Millennium: Prayer. (6)
The Hail Mary: Being faithful to the people of today and being faithful to the tradition means acquiring a balance between the old and the new. In a recent article on Mary and Ecumenism, I quoted Zwingli, the Swiss Reformer: “The Ave Maria is not a prayer, but a greeting and a praise” – the […]
Monday 22 August
Queenship of Mary 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5,8-10, Ps.149, Matthew 23:13-22 Taking our place Today we honour Mary the Mother of Jesus and our mother also. Her unreserved ‘fiat’ to the angel’s telling her that she was to become the mother of God has earned Mary her place as Queen of Heaven. We too are invited to […]