A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘gratitude’

Friday 2 August

Leviticus 23:1,4-11,15-16,27,34-37, Ps.80, Matthew 13:54-58 Feasting, fasting, faith and family Families celebrate milestones in unique ways and adult children love remembering and passing on those traditions. Retelling our stories builds gratitude, connects us with our best values. The Israelites honoured milestones in worship festivals. The church invites us to worship in feasting and fasting traditions, […]

Friday 21 June

St Aloysius Gonzaga 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30, Ps 34, Matthew 6:19-23 Sharing our story Share your story: your faith story, your personal story, the story of your life. What does sharing our story achieve? It strengthens and empowers. It reveals the love and nature of God. Story provides connection, relevance and context. It reveals the […]

An Argument for the Existence of God

Would life be worth living in the following circumstances? Imagine never being able to express or feel or expect gratitude, never being able to say thank you; imagine someone saving your life and your not being able to respond. I don’t think the world could work. We humans need to be able to express certain […]

Tuesday 19 February

Isaiah 55:10-11, Ps.34, Matthew 6:7-15 Our Father The Our Father must be the best known prayer in Christendom. The problem is that we know it so well we can say it without thought, without really considering what we are saying. I know I am guilty of this at times, but today I am going to […]

Tuesday 18 September

1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31, Ps 100, Luke 7:11-17 Gratitude “Go within his gates giving thanks. Enter his courts with songs of praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name.” Gratitude, giving thanks. Whatever is happening in your life, can you find room for a grateful heart? Many who endure the constant shakes in Christchurch […]

Sunday 15 July

Amos 7:12-15, Ps.85, Ephesians 1:3-14, Mark 6:7-14 Chosen in Christ Today’s second reading is one great hymn of praise. Paul is almost overwhelmed by the wonder, the goodness, and the generosity of God. The most wonderful thing of all is that God chose us, chose us ‘in Christ’. It is all beyond our understanding. Why […]

Tuesday 15 May

Acts 16:22-34, Ps 138, John 16:5-11 Thank you with all my heart A solo parent faced a financial crisis. Raise $600 in a month or forfeit her home. By chance, she was invited to hang a few pieces of craft at a local cafe. On the due date, she had sold exactly $600 worth of […]

Sunday 6 May

Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31, Ps 22, 1 John 3:18-24, John 15:1-8 Practice opening your heart I watched an extended whanau at the estuary. The tide was high. Water flowed swiftly around an old concrete plinth. Young people swam out to the plinth, climbed to the top and then leapt out in faith and […]

Sunday 18 March

2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 or 1Samuel 16:1.6-7, 10-13,Ps. 137 or 23Eph. 2:4-10 or Eph. 5:8-14John 3: 14-21 Light Turn off the lights tonight. Become aware of the darkness. Strike a match. Light a candle. Choose a short mantra or phrase eg Jesus light of the world or Jesus come. Pray in gratitude for what you […]

Friday 4 November

Romans 15: 14-21, Ps. 98, Luke 16: 1-8 What is truly commendable? This rogue manager protects himself against impending redundancy by writing down the debts of his master’s creditors. He gains both their gratitude and the opportunity to blackmail the creditors, who are now involved in his misdeeds. Then, Jesus tells us, the master praises […]