Tag Archive for ‘grace’
Monday 8 January
The Baptism of the Lord Isaiah 55:1-11; Response: Isaiah 12:2-6; 1 John 5:1-9, Mark 1:7-11 My favour rests on you Can you recall a moment in your life which proved to be a ‘game-changer’? Mine was the day I chose to offer myself for the priesthood. The village carpenter from Nazareth saw his cousin John […]
Friday 27 October
Romans 7:18-25; Psalm 119H; Luke 12: 54-59 Reach deeply One of the prayers we are to treasure is our simple pause before eating as we pray grace. All is gift, including the food we can share. Sometimes we eat on the run and forget to pause and then fail to recall the giftedness of it […]
Wednesday 25 October
Romans 6: 12-18; Psalm 124; Luke 12:39-48 Surprised by God Our life of prayer prepares our hearts in being sensitive to the presence of God in our midst. In our gospel for today, Jesus again reminds his listeners about a readiness to receive the Son of Man. This is about an openness to being surprised […]
Friday 6 October
Baruch 1: 15- 22 ; Psalm 79; Luke 10:13- 16 Supple hearts To keep our hearts supple, that is to be flexible, to be moved by the grace of Jesus, so that we can be transformed even more deeply than we already are. Jesus critiques these two cities because of their stubbornness and audacity to […]
Thursday 21 September
St Matthew Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13, Psalm 19A, Matthew 9:9-13 Tuning into grace It is through grace that I come to know my unique part in building up the body of Christ on earth. It is so easy to go with the cultural flow of community life and its collective good works never giving a thought […]
Tuesday 15 August
The Assumption of Mary Patronal Feast for Aotearoa New Zealand Apocalypse 11:19; 12:1-6, 10; Psalm 45B; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26; Luke 1:39-56 Humility and grace How fitting that Mary, the one chosen as the mother of our Redeemer, the Christ of God, should be gifted the fruits of our redemption from the moment of her conception, […]
Tuesday 25 April
Anzac Day Isaiah 9:1-6; Psalm 116; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 14:23-29 Prince of Peace The Lord gives us his peace. He is able to do this because by his death on the cross he destroyed hatred and made us one with God. Our problem is that we are not very good at being one with […]
Monday 24 April
Second Week of Easter Acts 4:23-31; Psalm 2; John 3:1-8 Born of the Spirit God’s Holy Spirit can work wonders through us, and can enable us to ‘proclaim (God’s) message with all boldness, through the name of God’s holy servant Jesus.’ Through the Sacraments, and through our openness to the Spirit, God’s power is in […]
Saturday 22 April
Acts 4:13-21; Psalm 118; Mark 16:9-15 Proclaim the Good News Like the Eleven, we may sometimes be obstinate and incredulous. Yet the Lord has chosen us from before the beginning of time to proclaim the Good News of God’s love to the ends of the earth by living the Good News to the best of […]
Wednesday 12 April
Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 69; Matthew 26:14-25 Listen like a disciple The Lord did not turn away from suffering and death, for it was the means by which he was to redeem the world. He was utterly open to the Father’s will, ‘making no resistance,’ knowing that God would come to his help. Pray for the […]