Tag Archive for ‘grace’
Saturday 20 July
Exodus 12:37-42; Psalm 136; Matthew 12:14-21 The bruised reed “…The bruised reed he will not break, and the flickering flame he will not quench…” What beautiful words from the prophet Isaiah and how beautifully they are embodied in the ministry of Jesus. When I am estranged from others through quarrels, or through anger or resentment, […]
Sunday 14 July
FIFTEENTH WEEK ORDINARY TIMESea Sunday Deuteronomy 30:10-14; Psalm 69; Colossians 1:15-20; Luke 10:25-37 Being a good neightbour The Good Samaritan is a story engraved upon our hearts for he is the one ‘moved with pity’ for his neighbour in need. Every day we have the same opportunity to be a good neighbour to others, to […]
Saturday 13 July
Genesis 49:29-33, 50:15-26; Psalm 105; Matthew 10:24-33 Jesus the teacher Jesus is often portrayed in the scriptures as a rabbi and a teacher. All of us can surely recall a single teacher that seemed to draw the very best out of us – perhaps even qualities and talents that others had overlooked? That is what […]
Friday 5 July
Genesis 23:1-4, 19-24:1-8, 62-67; Psalm 106; Matthew 9:9-13 Unashamed Like our friend Zacchaeus, Matthew was a tax collector and one despised because he had been recruited by the Romans to collect taxes from his own people. Doubtless Matthew had also become rich by ripping off the poor and oppressed, which is why the money of […]
Thursday 27 June
Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16; Psalm 106; Matthew 7:21-29 Authority It was because he spoke with authority that Jesus’ teachings made a deep impression. We understand that Jesus had authority given him by the Father. He had made that authority his own. Each one of us is given authority by God to make choices about our behaviours […]
Thursday 20 June
2 Corinthians 11:1-11; Psalm 111; Matthew 6:7-15 The Our Father When Jesus teaches his disciples about prayer, he suggests that they pray about three things. Firstly, their prayer is about honouring the glory of God. Hallowed be thy name. Then there is the recognition of their dependence on God’s providence. Give us today our daily […]
Friday 26 April
Acts 4:1-12; Psalm 118; John 21:1-14 It is the Lord Our life of prayer prepares our hearts to be sensitive to the presence of God in our midst. In today’s gospel, Jesus stands unrecognised on the shore. The signs of abundant fish, breaking nets and the taking and giving of bread, enable recognition. Jesus stands […]
Tuesday 23 April
Acts 2:36-41; Psalm 33; John 20:11-18 Do not cling to me Mary wants to hold on to him; she loves him so much and will do all she can to never lose him again. Jesus invites her to the more generous reality. Actually, to know beyond all other knowing, that all is gift. We don’t […]
Tuesday 26 March
Daniel 3:25, 34-43; Psalm 25; Matthew 18:21-35 Forgiven and forgiving Repentance and mercy should go hand in hand. If we are truly sorry for our sins, the Lord will forgive us. His forgiveness should act as a lesson to us. What we have received from the Lord we should in turn pass on to others. […]
Tuesday 12 March
Isaiah 55:10-11; Psalm 34; Matthew 6:7-15. Our Father For many people, prayer can seem a bit of a mystery. All it is, however, is a response to God. It is a ‘thank you’, an ‘I love you’, a request for help. We respond to God in prayer a bit like a plant responds to water […]