Tag Archive for ‘grace’
Monday 24 May
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church (M) Ecclesiasticus 17:24-29; Psalm 32; Mark 10:17-27 Hail Mary, full of grace Mary responded to the invitation to be the mother of God with her “yes,” that echoed throughout all of her being and all of her life from that moment on. The graciousness of her “yes” is […]
Tuesday 31 December
1 John 2:18-21; Psalm 96:1-2, 11-13; John 1:1-18 Did you see his glory? 2019 has come to an end. Did it seem filled with the glory that is the Son’s, full of grace and truth? Or was he in your world and you did not know him? For many, the new year is beginning with […]
Monday 30 December
1 John 2:12-17; Psalm 96:7-10; Luke 2:36-40 Good things worth waiting for Luke is not kidding when he says Anna’s days of girlhood were well over. She was 84! The extraordinary thing about being a follower of Christ is that it isn’t over till it’s over. You are never too old to be surprised by […]
Thursday 5 December
Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27; Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Fast and furious Some people laugh when they see road workers leaning on their shovels. But anyone who digs holes for a living understands. Digging foundations in rock does require persistence and determination. If you are doing it all day, it also requires a relaxed […]
Wednesday 4 December
Isaiah 25:6-10; Psalm 23; Matthew 15:29-37 My grace is enough for you God will always give us all that we need to do what he wants. If, at any time, the task seems beyond you, there are two possible explanations: the job, no matter how laudable, is not what God wants. OR, you are trying […]
Wednesday 30 October
Romans 8:26-30; Psalm 13; Luke 13:22-30 Only a few saved? Jesus, the “narrow door”, opens himself and his kingdom to those who love and serve him and their neighbour. He warns people who knowingly ignore his call: “I tell you, many will try and enter and will not succeed”. No one enters through Jesus on […]
Tuesday 29 October
Romans 8:18-25; Psalm 126; Luke 13:18-21 The Kingdom of God is like … Jesus describes the Kingdom of God with two images: a germinating mustard seed which grows into a shady tree; and yeast which leavens flour into dough. In Romans, Paul describes the wounded creation – “and all of us who possess the first-fruits […]
Sunday 27 October
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ecclesiasticus 35:12-14, 16-19; Psalm 34; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14 The prayer of the humble Jesus’ victory over our sin and death, won for us by his death on the Cross, is revealed only to the humble in faith and heart. Worldly wisdom judges the Cross as a defeat. […]
Tuesday 22 October
Romans 5:12, 15, 17-21; Psalm 40; Luke 12:35-38 Grace was even greater While St Paul teaches that human sin and death are the bitter fruit of Adam’s original sin, he proclaims repeatedly, “it is even more certain that divine grace, coming through the one man, Jesus Christ, came to so many as an abundant free […]
Wednesday 16 October
St Margaret Mary Alacoque (OM) Romans 2:1-11; Psalm 62; Luke 11:42-46 May Christ live in your heart If you’ve wondered where the devotions to the nine first Fridays with Mass and Communion, the Holy Hour of Eucharistic adoration and the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus came from, they arose from the influence of […]