Tag Archive for ‘George Bernard Shaw’
Thursday 19 December
Judges 13:2-7, 24-25, Ps 70:3-6, 16-17, Luke 1:5-25 Listening for God’s voice “Why doesn’t God ever speak to me?” we might ask. In George Bernard Shaw’s play “St Joan” the Dauphin asks Joan the same question, after she had told him about hearing voices from God. “I am the King, not you!” he complained. “They […]

Can You Bear It?
PART 1: Garden of Eden Lore Adam was walking outside of the Garden of Eden with Cain and Abel when the boys were young. Cain and Abel looked into the garden and viewed waterfalls, lovely birds, lush forests and fruit trees bending over because of the large amounts of fruit on them. Then they took […]