Tag Archive for ‘Futuna’

MM 50 Years Ago
Futuna pilgrimage at last Only a few individual pilgrims from NZ have ever visited the Shrine of St Peter Chanel on Futuna Island in the Pacific. The most celebrated was the late Archbishop Francis Redwood SM, who had to break the lock to enter the then deserted church, and the latest was Mrs Ida Corrigan, […]

Marie Françoise Perroton
Part 2 of 2 175 years ago, at the age of 49, Marie Françoise Perroton set out from Lyon to follow a missionary call to the Pacific. After a voyage of eleven months the ship finally arrived in Wallis. Reception in Wallis They were two days on board at Wallis before a suitable wind enabled […]

Why Saints’ Names Matter! – St Peter Chanel
Aunt Whina Cooper, upon being told that l was named Peter Chanel grabbed me and hugged me and said, ‘Mark my word, you’ll be a priest!’