Tag Archive for ‘Fr Kevin O’Donoghue’

Fr Kevin O’Donoghue sm
Born in Hastings, 5 January 1926 Professed 11 February 1946 Ordained 17 December 1950 Died at the Home of Compassion, Silverstream, 31 July 2017 It is said that Kevin cut quite a figure in Hastings as a youngster: bright eyed, bursting with musical ability, playing the piano for all sorts of activities. After Hastings convent, […]

Fr Kevin Francis O’Donoghue sm
Eulogy by Fr Tim Duckworth sm In the Society of Mary there have been two Kevin O’Donoghues for as long as we all can remember and you could distinguish them by their cognomen – in our Kevin’s case he was always referred to as KODAK, given his significant skill with the camera, the other Kevin […]