Tag Archive for ‘Fr John Kelly’

Funeral Homily for Fr John Kelly ocso
Alive or dead we belong to the Lord The Rule of St Benedict urges monks to prefer absolutely nothing to Christ. Fr John took this to heart and willed it with a God-given determination: he had a will of iron, as we say, and once his conscience signalled a course of action, he responded accordingly. […]

Father John Benedict Kelly O.C.S.O. 1930 – 2011
Fr John died at Hastings NZ, on Thursday 17th November after a long illness. He was born in Allein, Co Tipperary Ireland on May 12, 1930. In 1950 he entered the Cistercian Abbey of Mount Melleray. In 1967 he came to New Zealand’s Southern Star Abbey, Kopua, Central Hawkes Bay because of his ability as […]

About Contemplation in General
In the former chapters I explained that ‘contemplation’ in the Christian tradition takes two main forms. Firstly, there is ‘contemplation’ as understood by the Fathers of the Church and official church documents. This contemplation is mainly active. When we contemplate in this way we use our faculties and feelings to the full. The second type […]

Active Contemplation
‘Contemplation’ has a number of meanings in current English. But I would like to discuss its meaning in spirituality. What do spiritual writers mean by ‘contemplation’, ‘contemplative prayer’ etc.? I think that in Christian spirituality the various meanings of ‘contemplation’ can be reduced to two. There is the wider meaning of ‘contemplation’ that we find […]