Tag Archive for ‘Fr Jean Claude Colin’

Marist Spirituality An Introduction
Hidden and Unknown How to do Good Today The Acts of the Apostles tells us, “All the apostles joined in continuous prayer, together with several women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers” (1:14). Jean Coste, (the Society of Mary’s foremost historian and leading expert on Father Jean Claude Colin), noted that […]

Marist Spirituality An Introduction – Part 3
Bugey Mountain Villages: 1825-29 A Contemporary Marist Writes “In the theology of the day, God was a demanding God of justice and atonement rather than a God of love and infinite mercy. The rigourist approach then in vogue in France was what Colin had learned at the seminary and one of its characteristics was either […]

Marist Spirituality An Introduction – Part 2
Cerdon – Rural France – 1816 – 1822. The Marist story, and hence our spirituality, began at one level with a small group of seminarians. They saw the exciting prospect that Mary herself was taking an initiative in calling for a diverse group to do ‘her work’. It would seem from their fervent talks together that they had concluded […]

Marist Spirituality: An Introduction
Spirituality: The Gospel Applied to a Time and Place QUESTIONS TO PONDER 1. Where are you with God? What seed of ‘new life’ has God perhaps planted in your thoughts and hopes? 2. What passage or scene do you find most inspiring, comforting, challenging in the Gospel? 3. How helpful to you is it to […]

Advice from Fr Colin to Peter Chanel
Peter Chanel had already been a priest of the diocese of Belley for three years when he asked to join the Society of Mary at the beginning of 1831. He would have been influenced by his strong Marian devotion, conveyed in his motto, ‘To love Mary and make her loved’, and by the prospect of […]

Celebrating Fr Colin’s Birthday
7 August Text by the Editor Photos: Fr Ron Nissen SM Jean-Claude Colin, the founder of the Society of Mary, was born on 7 August 1790 in Barbery, in the Beaujolais region of central France. He was the eighth of nine children born to Jacques Colin and his wife Marie, née Gonnet. The other children […]

The Cause of Fr Jean-Claude Colin
Founder of the Society of Mary Fr Jean Coste speaks to Fr Colin Source: jeanclaudecolin.org Monteverde, Rome, 25 June 1990 – the bicentenary year of the birth of Jean-Claude Colin Jean-Claude Colin, having been asked to speak of you on this bi-centenary, I have said precious little about your person. But did you really […]

The Life of Venerable Jean-Claude Colin
“On whatever distant shore” Part 2 of 2 The Society of Mary begins Sharing the Marist dream with his local bishop, Colin met with opposition and ridicule. “If you want to be missionaries”, said the bishop, “then start here in the villages of Bugey”. So, Fr Colin did just that. On 29 October 1824, the […]

Fr Colin’s Cause — The Postulators and the Process
The Postulator General The Postulator General of the Cause for Beatification of Jean-Claude Colin is Italian Marist, Fr Carlo Maria Schianchi. After serving in a variety of ministries — parish, missionary work in Latin-America, the formation of young Marists — Fr Carlo Maria was appointed general archivist of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society […]

Fr Colin’s Cause
A Long and Winding Road Part 2 of 3 1910-1940 In 1910, the promotion of the Cause began again. The work that had been done under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Lyons now had to be re-done under Vatican jurisdiction. This is called the ‘apostolic process’, which continued until 1921, and brought nothing new […]