A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Fiji’

Death of a Marist

Fr Tito Muavesi SM Born 17 July 1977 Professed 28 December 2001 Ordained 9 December 2006 Died 10 October 2022, Fiji Fr Tito Muavesi SM of Fiji was born on the 17th July 1977. He died unexpectedly on the afternoon of the 10th of October 2022. He was only 45 and had been a Marist […]

Death of a Marist

Fr Mikaele Pāunga SM Born 15 September 1954 Professed 13 January 1980 Ordained 18 November 1984 Died 3 September 2022, Fiji Professor Fr Mikaele Pāunga died aged 68. A graduate of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, where he gained a doctorate in theology, Fr Pāunga had taught at the Pacific Regional Seminary in Suva […]

MM 50 Years Ago

NZ missionary builds up new Suva parish The new parish at Laucala Bay … incorporates the new University of the South Pacific. It also includes a primary school run by the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary, the Cathedral Boys’ Secondary School, Corpus Christi Teacher Training College, as well as the Suva Grammar primary […]

SMSM – Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary

Collaboration with the Marist Sisters Marist Sisters and SMSM have had few opportunities to collaborate in Mary’s work except in projects that involve several branches of the Marist family. However, as Third Order Regular of Mary (TORM), sisters were given the opportunity to prepare the way in two Pacific missions. The growing European population in vicariates […]

Fr Cleofas Waisu Harisimae SM

Born 25 April 1976 in Malaita, Solomon Islands, Diocese of Auki Professed 28 December 2000, at Marist Training Centre, Tutu, Taveuni, Fiji Ordained 10 December 2005 Died 19 October 2018 in Honiara Fr. Cleofas was the third born in a family of nine. Philip, his father has died. Noella, his mother, is here with us, […]


Congratulations to Br Adrien Lemo sm, pictured above, who celebrated his 50th Anniversary of Profession on 4 February 2017 at Lano and Finetomai, Wallis. Also on 4 February, at Marist College, Suva, Fiji, two men made their Final Profession in the Society of Mary. They are Mika Tuilau, above left, from Fiji; and Peter Puamae, […]


The Society of Mary is accepting donations to alleviate people’s suffering in Fiji and help them rebuild their lives after the destruction caused by cyclone Winston. One of the areas hit badly was Tutu, the rural training centre in Tavenui, where 22 buildings have either been partially or completely destroyed. Tutu offers five courses catering […]

Veteran Missionaries rest in peace in Fiji

Fr Lui Raco SM Tributes My heart is with you today as you farewell one of our great Fijian Marists. Fr. Lui was, and will always be an inspiration for many of us. Someone who ran the race to the end, with great happiness in his vocation. He stood out as a person in all […]

Celebrating a centenary of service to leprosy

Leprosy has long been one of the most dreaded afflictions.  For centuries, to be a leper to be an outcast, without hope.  In 1911, the Fiji Government ketch Ramadi, towing boats with a barely recognizable human cargo in various stages of decay and misery, arrived on the island which was to become their home. These […]