Tag Archive for ‘feminine’
Thursday 27 October
Ephesians 6:10-20, Ps.144, Luke 13:31-35 The mother hen In our tradition, where masculine and feminine roles are clearly defined, it is good to go back to the gospels and see the wholeness of Jesus. Even his birth indicates this balance. He was man born of woman without masculine intervention, spiritually holding both as one. This […]
Tuesday 29 March
Acts 2:36-41, Ps 33, John 20:11-18 Woman of faith Evangelising needs a cutting urgency which belief in the Resurrection supplies. Mary feels the absence of her friend in a feminine way. Jesus cuts into this femininity and strengthens it with his presence. She allows him to cut deeply until finally she twigs at the sound […]

Mary for Today: Mary and Our Image of God
Part One Throughout history Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been the source of endless fascination for Christians. In the years since Vatican II we have seen Mary celebrated as a woman, as one who journeys by faith as we do, as a role-model for feminists – or its opposite, and even as a challenge […]