A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘faith’

Monday 4 February

Hebrews 11:32-40; Psalm 31; Mark 5:1-20 The wonders of God’s love The horde of demons that inhabited the Gerasene demoniac were no match for the power of God’s love in Christ. Those who witnessed the exorcism and its aftermath were afraid and amazed, and asked our Lord to go away. The man who had been […]

Friday 1 February

Week 3 in Ordinary Time Hebrews 10:32-39; Psalm 37; Mark 4:26-34 Something better Wonders of creation, such as seeds sprouting, growing and producing crops, speak to us of God’s reign increasing. The reign of God grows slowly, almost unnoticeably, and, to the eyes of faith, surely. The eyes of faith see signs of hope everywhere, […]

Saturday 26 January

ST TIMOTHY AND ST TITUS 2 Timothy 1:1-8 or Titus 1:1-5; Psalm 95 (96):1-3, 7-8, 10; Luke 10:1-9 Boldness There is a boldness and courage about the faith of some saints. Their faith seemed to be strengthened by difficulties and opposition, and even by persecution. True faith is rooted deeply in God and is not […]

Wednesday 2 January

ST BASIL THE GREAT AND ST GREGORY NAZIANZEN 1 John 2:22-28; Psalm 97 (98):1-4; John 1:19-28 Friends Basil and Gregory were friends. They had much in common including a deep faith and commitment to the Gospel. They remind us of the friends the Lord has given us. Friendship is indeed a gift from God that […]

Friday 28 December

Feast of the Holy Innocents 1 John 1:5-2:2; Psalm 123 (124):2-5, 7-8; Matthew 2:13-18 Biblical faith Fear and death loom when Herod sought the new-born Jesus. The family of Jesus is forced to ‘escape.’ This verb is repeated in 2:12, 13, 14, and again, when, after returning from Egypt, the family ‘escape’ to Galilee (v.22). […]

Monday 10 December

Isaiah 35:1-10; Psalm 84 (85):9-14; Luke 5:17-26 Community of faith A small community of faith makes a context for healing. The man who is paralysed is not only marginalised by his illness, but his way to Jesus is blocked by crowds. Those moved by their faith to help him take extraordinary steps: climb up on […]

Monday 3 December

St. Francis Xavier Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 121 (122):1-2, 4-5, 6-9; Matthew 8:5-11 Willing to break barriers In this story, part of a cluster of nine healing stories in Matthew 8-9, Jesus is willing to break barriers to go to the Roman officer’s place to heal his servant. As it turns out, Jesus heals from a […]

Wednesday 28 November

Apocalypse 15:1-4; Ps 98; Luke 21:12-19 When words fail Being put on the spot, especially about one’s faith, can be most difficult. How do you express something so profound in words? Don’t Panic! Situations can often give us clarity of thought. This is what is promised in the Gospel. In amongst perseverance and endurance comes […]

Monday 12 November

St Josaphat Titus 1:1-9; Ps 24; Luke 17:1-6 Short and to the point The Christian journey is hard enough at the best of times, so don’t make it harder for others! Avoid the millstone! Be forgiving and allow faith to bring about the unexpected.

Wednesday 24 October

Ephesians 3:2-12; Canticle Isaiah12:1-6; Luke 12:39-48 Making Good Use of the Gift Our faith and the gifts God has given each of us are great gifts – but they are not our possessions. They have been given to us to be used – both for our own growth as disciples and for the good of […]