Tag Archive for ‘faith’
Wednesday 2 July
Amos 5:14-15, 21-24;Ps 50; Matthew 8:28-34 Rejection Jesus casts the demons from the men into a herd of swine. The crowd then asked him to leave their town. Rejection of Jesus!!!. Even in his home town he was despised – Matthew 13:54-58 “And so they rejected him”. Is today any different? Jesus is not accepted […]
Sunday 29 June
Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles Acts 12: 1-11, Ps. 34,2 Timothy 4: 6-8,17-18, Matthew 16: 13-19 Attractive faith These two great saints have a message for us today when the Church is being persecuted. We must declare without hesitating that Jesus is the Son of God and be prepared to suffer for that. I may […]
Saturday 21 June
St. Aloysius Gonzaga 2 Chronicles 24: 17-25, Ps. 89, Matthew 6: 24-34 Living Hope not worry At the end of a troubled day it is good to say, “tomorrow is another day I hope things will be better.” Sometimes they are sometimes they are not. Living through hard times needs fortitude and hope in God’s […]
Thursday 5 June
St.Boniface Acts 22:30, 23:6-11, Ps. 16, John 17:20-26 Strive for unity The amount and depth of love we have for one another is reflected in the unity of the whole, be that a family, a religious community, a parish, a Church. Unity is power. The world knows this but Jesus knows it is fragile too. […]
Wednesday 14 May
Acts 1:15-17,20-26, Ps 113, John 15:9-17 International day of the Family Jesus commands us to love. He doesn’t ask, plead, suggest or explain he simply commands. He knows that love will work. Love changes everything and everyone – the givers, the observers and the receivers. As Pope Benedict said in Deus Caritas Est “Love grows […]
Tuesday 13 May
Acts: 11:19-26, PS 87, John 10:22-30 Our Lady of Fatima 1917 and the world was in the grip of despair and suffering and a war that killed millions. 3 rural Portugese children looking after their sheep responded with child like faith and excitement. Mary at Fatima:”Will you offer yourselves to God, and bear all the […]

Society of Mary Challenge 2000 Gap Year
In February, eight Gap students embarked upon the 6th Marist Challenge Gap Year offered by the Society of Mary and Challenge 2000. The gap year is a full time 11 month programme for young Catholics that focuses on personal development, spiritual growth, self-awareness, awareness of others and how to live as a young person of […]
Wednesday 30 April
St Pius V Acts 5:17-26, Ps 34, John 3:16-21 Living by the truth At the very foundation of our life of faith are the truths that Jesus speaks of in today’s gospel. God sent his son Jesus into the world. Through his death on the cross, the world was to be saved. No one who […]
Sunday 27 April
2nd Sunday of Easter Acts 2:42-47, Ps 118, 1 Peter 1:3-9, John 20:19-31 When seeing is believing We believe that Jesus rose from the dead not because we have seen evidence but because we have faith. Thomas was unable to join the disciples in their celebration of the resurrection because he needed to see the […]
Wednesday 23 April
Acts 3:1-10, Ps 105, Luke 24:13-35 Being transformed Our faith is not about belief in a body of teachings but it is about belief in a person, the person of Jesus. It was in his name that Peter and John healed the cripple at the Beautiful Gate, as told in today’s reading from the Acts […]