A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘faith’

Sunday 19 October

TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORLD MISSION DAY Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21 God is everything The Pharisees were right when they declared Jesus to be ‘an honest man, teaching the way of God in an honest way’. They flattered him in a malicious and vain attempt to trick […]

Tuesday 14 October

Galatians 5:1-6; Ps 119T; Luke 11:37-41 Living faith We are to resist ‘the yoke of slavery’ that is sin; to live in ‘faith that makes its power felt through love’. A sign of such love is the generosity with which we help the less fortunate in our society. The goodness of our hearts is demonstrated […]

Monday 13 October

Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Ps 113; Luke 11:29-32 Doubt and faith ‘Miracles, if produced on demand, can sabotage the faith they were meant to strengthen. For the truly faithful, no miracle is necessary; for those who must doubt, no miracle is sufficient’ [Nancy Gibbs]. We praise and thank God who has ‘raised the lowly from […]

Saturday 11 October

Galatians 3:22-29; Ps 105; Luke 11:27-28 Clothed in Christ We are all ‘children of God through faith in Jesus Christ … clothed in Christ’. As such, we are called to ‘hear the word of God and keep it’. By the patent goodness of our lives lived in obedience to God’s word, we are to ‘tell […]

Monday 22 September

Proverbs 3: 27-34; Psalm15; Luke 8: 16-18 Peppercorns These two parables are peppercorns –– short and sharp. All believers must be lamps, sharing their faith at all times by the way they live and when appropriate by sharing their beliefs with others. All believers must cherish Christian truth, strive to deepen their understanding of it […]

September Saints

Saint John Gabriel Perboyre (1802-1840) John Gabriel Perboyre was born in Montgesty, France, in 1802, into a family which gave three other religious to the Church. John’s younger brother, Louis, felt called to the seminary, and John was asked to accompany him to help him adjust.  Like his uncle and brother, Peter joined the Vincentians […]

Sunday 20 July

sixteenth sunday in ordinary time 1. Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Romans 8:26-27;Ps 86; Matthew 13:24-43 Be on guard The mustard seed grows into a strong bush – symbolic of the faith reaching out from the disciples to all countries. Have we watched with pleasure as a small plant becomes a strong tree, providing shelter, food, splendour, […]

Saturday 19 July

Micah 2:1-5; Ps 13; Matthew 12:14-21 Courage to change The Pharisees are determined to destroy Jesus. He did not argue with them or threaten them. He walked away. Is this a reminder that like Jesus, one may need to walk away from a situation that might weaken our faith? “God, give me grace to accept […]

Monday 7 July

Hosea 2:16-18, 21-22;Ps 145; Matthew 9:18-26 Ask and you shall receive Jesus cures the woman suffering from hemorrhages. Then he raises from the dead the daughter of a synagogue leader. Why? Was it because they trusted in him? Often one prays for relief from an affliction or burden, I have, then I wonder why there […]

Thursday 3 July

St. Thomas, Apostle Ephesians 2: 19-22; Ps 117; John 20: 24-29 Belief Doubting Thomas. Thomas had the chance to confirm his beliefs by putting his hands into the wounds. Jesus said “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe” We are not […]