Tag Archive for ‘faith’
Wednesday 26 November
Apocalypse 15:1-4; Psalm 98; Luke 21: 12-19 Pray for others It is impossible to understand why some people not only refuse to practise any faith themselves, but actively try to prevent others from practising theirs. The behaviour of those who insist theirs is the only path to God and persecute others for following different roads […]
Sunday 23 November
Christ the King Ezekiel 34: 11-12, 15-17; Psalm 22; 1 Corinthians: 15: 20-26, 28; ; Matthew 25: 31-46 Love one another Loving God and keeping the faith through prayer, thanks and praise are important parts of our daily lives. So is loving our neighbour and keeping the faith through acts of unselfishness. Even when we […]
Saturday 22 November
St Cecilia V.M. Apocalypse 11: 4-12: , Psalm 144; Luke 20: 27-40 God’s ways are not our ways It is curious that some people cannot understand that God is all powerful, all understanding, all perfect. They assign human virtues and failings to him, then use their views as arguments in attempts to undermine the views […]
Tuesday 18 November
Apocalypse 3:1-6, 14-22; Psalm 15; Luke 19: 1-10 God loves us all Our Lord makes it abundantly clear that he wants all of us – not just a few self-selected people – to know he cares for them. No-one is too lowly to meet him. No person is too bad, either. Or too marginalised. The […]
Saturday 15 November
3 John 5-8; Psalm 112; Luke 18:1-8 Persevere in Faith Sometimes it appears hardly anyone is listening. “Everyone” seems to dismiss God as a fictional character, ignore him, deride him, forget him. They say they can’t be bothered now, but may think about it later – and look askance at us. Fewer and fewer seem […]
Friday 14 November
2 John 4-9; Psalm 119A; Luke 17:26-37 Jesus warns his listeners to not be caught off guard when that day arrives. It will arrive sometime, and our responsibility – our great pleasure – is to be prepared for that day. Holy Spirit, dear companion and guide, thank you for the gift of knowledge that enlightens […]
Monday 10 November
Titus 1:1-9; Psalm 24; Luke 17: 1-6 Set a good example One of the worst things we can do is to lead others into sinful ways. Therefore, we need to think about ourselves and the example we offer others if we are to avoid falling into this habit – and if we do so, to […]
Thursday 6 November
Philippians 3:3-8; Psalm 105; Luke 15:1-10 Rejoice and be glad We love opportunities to celebrate. Even when we don’t know those involved, we are glad to hear of tragedies and misfortunes being averted. When these events happen to people we know and love our pleasure and thankfulness seems endless. Dear Lord, may I help find […]
Sunday 2 November
All Souls Day : Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 27; Romans 5:5-11; Matthew 11:25-30 Be like a child Jesus wants us to practise our faith in God with childlike simplicity. There is no need for us to prove anything except that we put him, rather than ourselves, first, trust him and […]
Friday 24 October
Ephesians 4:1-6; Ps 24; Luke 12:54-59 Living selflessly Jesus seems to be saying that ‘the signs of the times’ are so obvious that we must be stupid not to understand what’s going on in the world. Many of the world’s ills stem from failure to adhere to the Lord’s teachings and values – obvious to […]