A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘faith’

Friday 16 October

Romans 4:1-8, Ps 32, Luke 12:1-7 Faith in God St Paul writes in the letter to the Romans “What shall we say about Abraham, the ancestor from whom we are all descended?” We know that Abraham put his faith in God. We put our faith in God every time we pray for someone in need […]

Monday 12 October

Romans 1:1-7, Ps 98, Luke 11:29-32 Belonging “By God’s call you belong to Jesus Christ.”(Romans) Recently I went to the baptism of a baby. It was a community celebration of parish, family and friends. I heard the word “belong” many times. The baby wore a family christening gown – belonging to his family. We all […]

Saturday 10 October

Joel 4:12-21, Ps 97, Luke 11:27-28 Hear the word of God ‘..still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it.’ We hear God’s word in many ways – in Scripture, in the needs of the world, in the cry of the poor. Pope Francis is asking us to see an inseparable link […]

Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Faithfulness

True to one’s words, promises or vows; steady in allegiance.  Dictionary.com Roger has the gift of faith which he shares with his grandson Matthew. For Matthew’s faith to grow, he needs a practical demonstration. The Holy Spirit’s gift to Matthew lies in the timely appearance of Matthew’s Nana. It seemed to Matthew that Grandad Roger […]

Tuesday 22 September

Ezra 6:7-8, 12, 14-20; Ps.122; Luke 8:19-21 Hear and do it! Read this passage slowly. Jesus’ family are trying to get to have some time with him. Imagine their difficulty at understanding his mysterious response. Perhaps the passage challenges you about who you spend time with, or who you might be able to visit. Pray […]

Theology Books

“There is a time for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven: a time for giving birth, a time for dying, a time for planting, a time for uprooting what has been planted. a time for keeping, a time for letting go. There is a season for everything.”              […]

Wednesday 26 August

1.Thessalonians 2:9-13; Ps .139; Matthew 23:27-32 Pray for Grace Grace is the presence and action of God in our lives. It is this we must pray for, calling upon the Holy Spirit to support us in the way we live our faith so we avoid the traps of pretence and false practice. Keep us safe, […]

Sunday 23 August

Joshua 24:1-2,15-18; Ps 34; Ephesians 5: 21-32; John 6:60-69 Nurture faith Peter’s gift of faith is profound. He knows, because he listens to God, that Jesus truly is the Holy One God has sent to share the message of eternal life. Our opportunity to grow and nurture our faith can be just like Peter’s because […]

Monday 3 August

Numbers 11:4-15; Ps 81; Matthew 14:13-21 God never stops caring for us Jesus never disappoints people who seek him. He could have ducked for cover when he discovered a great crowd waiting for him when he was worn out and wanted some peace with his friends – but he didn’t. He welcomed them and showed […]

Wednesday 8 July

Genesis 41:55-57, 42:5-7,17-24, Psalm 33, Matthew 10:1-7 Freely you have received, freely give. When Jesus begins his mission, his first act is to gather a band of friends around him. Even God’s son did not work alone. What does that tell us about the importance of being part of a faith community? The history of […]