A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘faith’

Tuesday 6 June

St Marcellin Champagnat Tobit 2:9-14; Psalm 112; Mark 12:13-17 Playing games with God? How many ‘things’ can I do in the day to keep myself busy and avoid what God desires of me? It becomes very easy to wrap oneself up in the cares of life. Valuing them more than faith, and allowing myself to […]

Saturday 3 June

St Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31; Psalm 11; John 21: 20-25 The testimony of faith Often we must be careful about what we read into situations. Do we only hear what we want to hear, or are we prepared to reflect deeply on the greater meaning? The scriptures layer for us […]

Saturday 27 May

Acts 18:23-28; Psalm 47; John 16:23-28 Go you are sent forth When we first met the married couple Aquila and Priscilla, they had been forced to leave Rome because of persecution and live in the Greek city of Corinth. While working with Paul making tents, their faith was strengthened, and in today's reading we find […]

Pope Francis’ Act of Entrustment to Mary

Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima, with renewed gratitude for your motherly presence we join in the voice of all generations that call you blessed. We celebrate in you the great works of God, who never tires of lowering himself in mercy over humanity, afflicted by evil and wounded by sin, to heal and to save […]

Saturday 29 April

St Catherine of Siena Acts 6:1-7; Psalm 33; John 6:16-21 Do not be afraid The Lord said, ‘do not be afraid,’ to his friends and he says it to us too. Whenever we are in some kind of darkness – spiritual, mental or psychological – or when we are feeling miserable or fearful of the […]

Sunday 23 April

Second Sunday of EasterDivine Mercy Sunday Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 118; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 My Lord and my God Thomas’ wonderful act of faith is the statement to which the whole of St John’s Gospel is directed. He is our Lord and God too, and we are numbered among those described as ‘happy’ because […]

Wednesday 19 April

Acts 3:1-10; Psalm 105; Luke 24:13-35 Foolish people Our Lord called Cleopas and his friend foolish, for they were slow to believe that the only way that Christ could enter into his glory was by way of the cross. Perhaps we are not slow to believe, yet fall short of living our faith in such […]

Sunday 9 April

Passion (Palm) Sunday Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 22; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew 26:14-27:66 My God, my God … The heart-wrenching cry of Jesus on the cross, ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?’ is echoed down the centuries in the voices of those who suffer. In our own time, in the Holy Land, in Syria, […]

Monday 27 March

Isaiah 65:17-21; Psalm 30; John 4:43-54 Receiving and sharing the gift of faith The royal official sought Jesus in his desperate need. He experienced Christ’s power and his love. He then shared that experience with ‘all his household,’ and they all became ‘believers.’ Such is the personal conversion and evangelisation process, the process through which […]

Wednesday 22 March

Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9; Psalm 147B; Matthew 5:17-19 Pass it on ‘But take care as you value your lives! Do not forget the things which you yourselves have seen…. teach them rather to your children and to your children’s children’ (Deuteronomy 4:9). God’s words to the Israelites are equally addressed to Christian parents and grandparents today. […]