A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘faith’

Sunday 6 August

the Transfiguration of the Lord 6-13 August: National Vocations Awareness Week Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; Psalm 97; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Matthew 17:1-9 Wonderful for us Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here! Yes, it is, Lord. Wonderful that you share yourself with us, that you trust us to carry your image in our being, […]

The Mystery of Faith

What if my life of faith-filled living turns out to be a big mistake? What then? Am I sure what I really believe?

Monday 10 July

Genesis 28:10–22; Psalm 91; Matthew 9:18–26 Similarities with Jesus In these two stories, the healing power of Jesus and the faith of those who seek healing are central. Similarities exist between Jesus and these two women which turn our attention to his passion. Like the woman with haemorrhage, he bleeds, suffers, does not cry out […]

Thursday 6 July

Genesis 22:1–19; Psalm 115; Matthew 9:1–8 Bringing people to wellbeing The man who is paralyzed is carried by people to Jesus who sees their faith. Without these caring people whose faith is expressed in action, this man could not approach Jesus. Faith communities are called to bring others to wellness. The man’s healing is holistic. […]

Tuesday 4 July

Genesis 19:15–29; Psalm 26; Matthew 8:23–27 Focus on Jesus The disciples follow Jesus into a boat – an image for the Church. The ‘storm’ which batters them translates the same word Matthew will use for ‘the earthquake’ which occurs at Jesus’ death and resurrection. This points ahead. The disciples will not only be tossed around […]

Thursday 29 June

Saints Peter and Paul Acts 12:1-11; Psalm 34; Tim 4:6-8, 17-18; Matthew 16:13-19 Despite their imperfectiolns For all Peter’s imperfections, we are so blessed to have a person that speaks once and for all: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ May that voice of the Church continue to echo that which […]

Wednesday 28 June

St Irenaeus Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 105; Matthew 7:15-20 A sober moral tone What are the fruits of our faith? Do we live our faith? Do we allow the Gospel to influence our conduct? There is a sober moral tone in Matthew that reminds us to centre our attention on the teaching of Jesus. In […]

Wednesday 14 June

2 Corinthians 3:4-11; Psalm 99; Matthew 5:17-19 A positive view The Spirit of God gives us a freedom to look at the laws of faith as ways of living positively in the world, rather than following a rigid ‘tick-box’ approach to life. And the ‘Law’ will never change until its purpose is achieved. ‘That we […]

Tuesday 13 June

St Anthony of Padua 2 Corinthians 1:18-22; Psalm 119; Matthew 5:13-16 Being bearers of the Spirit We must be relevant to the world, as salt spices and preserves food; and confident in faith, as light illuminates. And this is all purely gift – to us. ‘Let your light shine before all’ – in us.

Friday 9 June

Tobit 11:5-15; Psalm 146; Mark 12:35-37 The finding edge of our faith Today in the Gospel, ‘Son of David’ is redefined by Jesus to add a new dimension to his Messiahship. He uses the Greek word Kyrios, ‘Lord’. And so, for those listening and ourselves, new understanding unfolds. Perhaps this is an opportunity for us […]