A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘euthanasia’

Broad Alliance Launched to Oppose Legalising Euthanasia

A coalition, assembled to oppose the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted-suicide in New Zealand, was formally launched last Thursday to at a function at Parliament. The Care Alliance is an umbrella organisation that brings together a wide range of voices from across the palliative, medical, youth, elderly, disability, bioethics and faith sectors who are opposed […]

Death with Dignity and the Campaign for Euthanasia

This is the text of an address by John Kleinsman in December 2011. He is director of the Nathaniel Centre for Bioethics of the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference. He is  also a doctoral student on the morality of beginning of life issues.  The laws of our country and most countries in the world currently forbid […]

Merciful Care Not Mercy Killing

Every few years a bill to legalise euthanasia is introduced into the NZ Parliament. Up till now, this country has voted it down. Again in 2012 a private members bill legalizing “Life End Choice” is waiting to be drawn out for parliament’s attention. The promoters of this bill are careful to avoid the word euthanasia […]