Tag Archive for ‘euthanasia’

The Right to Live
‘A Current Affair’ ran a poignant piece telling the story of Gabe Watkin, a Queensland, Australia woman suffering the effects of motor neurone disease. She had been pleading with Queensland Health for access to a surgical procedure that will likely extend her life. At the time of the broadcast, Queensland Health’s Ethics Committee had kept […]

Euthanasia or Letting Go?
In the past number of years, there have been numerous essays concerning euthanasia in the Marist Messenger, rightly so, because it is a critically important topic. The authors stressed the dangers of legal euthanasia proliferating across the world and thus becoming a norm. In the September 2015 issue of Marist Messenger, an Australian expert stated […]
Thursday 2 May
St Athanasius Acts 5:27-33; Psalm 34; John 3:31-36 A better world Today's message, that we must obey God, rather than any human authority, is clear. So much legislation, and local body by-laws proposed for public discussion, are dubious. Abortion, euthanasia, liberal drug use – are some proposals. What does God want for his people? We […]

Aborting a child because it has Down’s syndrome violates human rights and can be considered genocide. “Here at the United Nations (UN) there is much sincere talk and normally passionate action to fight against unjust discrimination,” said Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Vatican nuncio to the United Nations. He pointed to a double standard when he appeared […]

The Problem with Euthanasia
A seeming paradox Recent phone polls asking New Zealanders if they favour legalised euthanasia found about 70% in favour and 30% opposed. Interestingly, these figures are an exact reversal of the more than 20,000 personal submissions to a parliamentary sub-committee last year where 70% opposed any change to the legislation. The reason for this seemingly […]

Euthanasia – Dangerous Trends (2)
Last year, the first child was euthanised in Belgium after the law was amended to allow for this. In the Netherlands, some babies born with Spina Bifida had been euthanised.

Euthanasia – Dangerous Trends (1)
The practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide overseas has been a disaster
Demand for euthanasia cannot be limited to a defined group. “The experience of those countries that have already legalised euthanasia shows that the demand for euthanasia cannot be limited to a carefully defined group,” say the New Zealand Catholic Bishops in their most recent statement on euthanasia. “In the Netherlands euthanasia was initially only available […]

Euthanasia – A Radical Shift
Euthanasia is not an incremental change to current end-of-life practices, but a radical and massive shift in our society’s and civilisation’s foundational values, says internationally renowned Australian ethicist, Margaret Somerville. Dr Somerville, who is a Professor of Law, Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, and Founding Director of the Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law […]

Dying with Dignity
There will – and already have been – an abundance of articles about the story of Brittany Maynard, the 29-year-old woman suffering a terminal illness who chose to end her life on the 1st ofNovember 2014. I’m not here to write about why or why not she shouldn’t have done what she did. I’m not […]