Tag Archive for ‘envy’

Joy – Dark Secret Joys
Part 2 of 3 In contrast to last month’s reflections, some joys can be destructive. There is the perverted form of joy in inflicting suffering on others. Again, there is nothing admirable in taking pleasure in the public humiliation of someone who is innocent or disabled or impaired. Yet, to be honest, there’s the latest […]
Thursday 23 January
Jealousy and envy oppose and destroy Saul is jealous of David but Saul’s son Jonathan can see David is endowed by God so defends him [1 Sam 18:6-9;19:1-7]. Psalm 55 is a beautiful prayer to use when I face opposition. Similarly, Jesus has so many followers now the authorities see him as a threat to […]
Wednesday 22 January
Healed, empowered and fully alive David evens slays the mighty Goliath proving God is on his side [1Sam 17:32-33;37;40-51]. God as my rock also brings me freedom and joy [Psalm 143]. Chosen by Jesus as I am there will be opposition because being a favoured choice always generates envy. Some may even plot against me […]

Who Are You Going To Vote For In Heaven?
IN A MOMENT of madness the other day it struck me that heaven would have to be among the most undemocratic places on earth till I stopped mid-thought to remind myself just where earth is and just where heaven may or may not be – if you follow my drift. What got me thinking about […]
Monday 23 April<
Acts 6:8-15 or 9:1-19a; Ps 119; John 6:22-29 Let go bitterness Stephen died because those whom he had got the better of in debate sought his death out of bitterness. Anger, envy, rivalry are powerful, destructive energies wanting nothing less than the utter eclipse of ‘the other.’ To hold on to such feelings, to act […]

When Talking with Yourself Makes Sense
MANY people would admit to talking to themselves but have you ever dialogued with yourself? A year or so ago I decide to converse with various emotions that were causing me considerable angst. It was a simple procedure involving a pen, a notebook and a quiet space, and the results were rather surprising. I mention […]