Tag Archive for ‘doubt’

Making Amends
One of the great things about the 12-step program to which I alluded when I wrote about my addiction some time ago is the necessity to make amends to people I have hurt or neglected or bad-mouthed. Or even, as I discovered recently, making amends to people about whom I have long held resentment but […]
Wednesday 3 July
St. Thomas, Apostle Ephesians 2: 19-22, Ps. 117, John 20: 24-29 Doubt and believe Every time we receive Holy Communion we put our fingers in the nail holes and our hands into the side of Jesus. We touch his risen body just as surely as Thomas did. Do I believe this? Perhaps I do in […]

What my Faith means to me
To speak at Mass is a privilege and a slightly unsettling challenge, because articulating the elements of a Faith has been something I’ve tended to shy away from. The very word Faith suggests confidence, conviction, steady belief. I really don’t feel I can claim that – indeed I’m more familiar with the Doubting Thomas of […]