A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘death’

Wednesday 19 August

Judges 9:6-15; Ps. 21; Matthew 20:1-16 Generosity of heart God is generous to all of us. This includes those who have devoted their lives to him and those – who, like the labourers in the parable, arrive at the last hour. Christ pointed this out many times to his disciples. Even when he was being […]

Monday 10 August

ST LAWRENCE, DM 2Corinthians 9:6-10; Ps 111; John 12:24-26 Grow into God’s will Christ’s message is for everyone – people from all over the world are included in his invitation to come to the Father through him. His willing sacrifice through his own death provides the environment for us to cast off our sins and […]

Saturday 20 June

2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Ps 34, Matthew 6:24-34 All will be well We all worry to some degree, even though most of what we worry about never happens. Today Jesus reassures his disciples by telling them not to worry. They too, like Jesus, will also face suffering and death, yet they placed their confidence in God. […]

Wednesday 3 June

St Charles Lwanga & Companions Tobit 3:1-11,16-17, Ps 25, Mark 12:18-27 What it will be like when we die is a mystery to us. Jesus is given a riddle by the Sadducees to solve in today’s Gospel. His answer points to a deeper reality about God and what happens in death. Through his power we […]

Sunday 22nd March

5th Sunday of Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ps. 51, Hebrew 5:7-9, John 12:20-33. The seed transformed. A seed seems insignificant and vulnerable, able to be blown by the wind. Fearfully we seek to protect our vulnerability. Yet Jesus calls for surrender. When a seed falls something miraculous happens; new life emerges from death. The seed is […]


Developments in medical science in recent years have made it possible to bring to life many thousands of people who  are clinically dead – sometimes a few hours  after death. Many of these people, possibly as high as 20 per cent, report vivid experiences of heaven. Their stories are remarkably similar. They leave their own […]

Thursday 19 February

Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Psalm: 1; Luke 9:22-25 Lenten sacrifice In this Lenten Season, the Word of God sets before us a choice. It sets before us life or death, sin or salvation. The Lord, the Word made flesh, sets before us a choice: to save our life or lose it. To save our lives we must […]

Friday 6 February

Waitangi Day Hebrews 13:1-8; Psalm: 27; Mark 6:14-29 Herod and Christ There is no greater contrast than that between Herod and Christ. The worldly Herod symbolizes all that is death-dealing; Christ all that is life-giving. The choice between Herod and Christ is the choice between the death of the spirit and eternal life. To choose […]

Monday 2 February

The Presentation of the Lord Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 24; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 Flesh and blood Christ was in every way like us but without sin. In becoming human, the Son of God shared our flesh and blood; and being like us in all things but sin, he was able to set humankind free from […]

Sunday 4 January

Epiphany of the Lord Isaiah 60:1-6, Ps.72, Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6, Matthew 2:1-12 Shine the Light Jesus was the “light” about which Isaiah prophesised “… all would come from far away”. That light was not extinguished with his death but was passed on to you and to me, his Church, his living Body on Earth. It […]