A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘cross’

hursday 14 December

St John of the Cross Isaiah 41:13-20; Psalm 145; Matthew 11:11-15 Embrace the cross The intense spiritual life of St John of the Cross is known to many. He suffered darkness and doubt in his following of Christ. John the Baptist in the gospel today is praised by Jesus as a great prophet. For their […]

Monday 17 July

Exodus 1:8–14,22; Psalm 124; Matthew 10:34–11:1 The bottom line The family divisions and betrayals described in the mission discourse were part of the communal experience of early Christians and were to be expected because of the choice to follow Jesus. Total attachment to Jesus was the bottom line. In both similar and different ways, this […]

Being with the Lord in his Resurrection

In our Church’s early days, Christians were mostly poor, struggling, and persecuted. The request of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), ‘stay with us Lord, it is almost dark,’ was a prayer of the Church in its struggle. Luke’s Gospel was written in Antioch, Syria, 50 years or so after Jesus […]