A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘community’

Monday 10 December

Isaiah 35:1-10; Psalm 84 (85):9-14; Luke 5:17-26 Community of faith A small community of faith makes a context for healing. The man who is paralysed is not only marginalised by his illness, but his way to Jesus is blocked by crowds. Those moved by their faith to help him take extraordinary steps: climb up on […]

Saturday 27 October

Ephesians 4:7-16; Psalm 122; Luke 13:1-9 A Community of Love Today’s first reading reminds us of three great truths: each of us has been given our own share of grace by Christ; we have not all been given the same “share of grace” but have received different gifts; and so we need each other to […]

Fr John Jago SM

Born 1 September 1932 Professed 2 February 1964 Ordained 19 August 1967 Died 17 July 2018 This is an edited version of the funeral homily given by Fr Tom Ryan SM. John Jago was born in Grafton, NSW, the first of five children. After completing his schooling at St John’s College, Lismore, he studied law […]

A Very Modern Model of a Marist Seminarian!

Formation for the modern Marist seminarian has changed drastically in recent years, with most of their formation now taking place overseas. Ben D’souza gives an insight into his formation experience. When I was first told that I would be going to Rome to study theology, it was one of those moments when I regretted taking […]

Monday 17 September

1 Corinthians 11:17-26,33; Psalm 40; Luke 7:1-10 Power to show love Placing the representative of the detested colonial power, the Romans, in a vulnerable, central role is extraordinary. A centurion has a Jewish servant who is gravely ill. Not only does the centurion like and care for the servant, he has been generous to the […]

Sunday 15 July

FIFTEENTH WEEK ORDINARY TIME Amos 7:12-15; Psalm 85; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:7-13 God chose us in Christ What an affirming and consoling text we read in the letter to the Ephesians today! We are assured by Paul that as individuals and as a community we have been chosen, adopted and richly blessed to partake in […]

Monday 21 May

7th WEEK ORDINARY TIME James 3:13-18; Psalm 19B; Mark 9:14-29 Wisdom … makes for peace The letter of James is full of real-life practical advice about harmony and justice within a community. Today highlights the dangers of jealousy and ambition – this is not an ambition to make the most of your talents, which is […]

A Thankful, Sunburnt Country?

“Let us give thanks to the Lord our God,” invites the priest at each Mass. We reply “It is right and just.” In this brief exchange, we capture the essence of Christian prayer and the essence of a Christian way of being in the world. Being thankful is a central hallmark of the person of […]

What’s in a Name?

Our culture encourages us to be ourselves, accentuate our differences, celebrate or even worship our individuality.

Monday 29 January

2 Samuel 15:13-14, 30, 16:5-13; Psalm 3; Mark 5:1-20 Nothing can separate us from the love of God At times our world seems to be in chaos. Occasionally that turmoil is experienced within. We may feel anxious, hopeless and unloved. Those caring for us share our pain. Today’s Gospel tells us that not even the […]