Tag Archive for ‘church architecture’

Reading the Sanctuary — Part 1
Sacred buildings and requisites for divine worship should be truly worthy and beautiful and be signs and symbols of heavenly realities. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal: NZ Edition, 288) The sanctuary is the place where the altar stands, the Word of God is proclaimed, and the Priest, the Deacon, and the other ministers exercise […]

Reading a Church Part 3: The Interior
On a Sunday, as you enter St Mary’s Church on Manuka Street in Nelson you will be greeted and handed a copy of their bulletin, entitled “The Parishioner.” You come into the church beneath the choir loft, in an area that has changed purpose since the building was constructed. Pews once filled this space, […]

Reading A Church
Over Christmas I had the great delight of looking after a parish for three Sundays and the weekdays between. From 27 December until 12 January I said mass each day at St Mary’s in Nelson, an historic church that serves a vibrant parish community. Being there had a touch of nostalgia for me as I […]