Tag Archive for ‘Christmas’
Christmas Homecoming
‘Homecoming’ is a word we often associate with Christmas, as families gather, re-connect and celebrate. There is something warming about the thought of homecoming, something settling, something healing and wholesome. In September 2017, the United Nations’ Refugee Agency reported that there are 65.6 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, there are 22.5 million refugees, 10 million […]
The Legend of the Fourth Wise Man
Adapted by the Editor Artaban lived in the mountains of ancient Persia. On the basis of his study of the planets and stars, he predicted the birth of a great King. He sold all his possessions in order to buy gifts for the King – a radiant blue sapphire, a perfect ruby and a spectacular […]
A Message for Australian subscribers We know that many of you have had difficulty in paying your subscription, and we appreciate the effort you have had to make. We have recently made arrangements for you to pay directily into the National Australia Bank. The account number is 082-062-68545-0097, and the account name is New Zealand […]
Saturday 25 March
Annunciation of the Lord Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10; Psalm 40; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38 Incarnation Jesus didn’t come on Earth at Christmas. He came at the moment Mary said ‘Yes.’ That’s when the miracle of incarnation occurred. At that moment Jesus became an embryo, a human being at the very first stage of his biological human […]
Sunday 25 December
the Birth of the Lord Midnight Mass Glory to God in the highest Isaiah 9:1-7, Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14 The angel appeared to the shepherds and said, ‘Today a saviour has been born to us; he is Christ the Lord … a great throng of heavenly host are praising God and singing.’(Luke) ‘And […]
Mary as Model
Mary shows us how to listen to God … The prayer of the rosary is, in many ways, the synthesis of the history of God’s mercy, which becomes a history of salvation for all who let themselves be shaped by grace. The mysteries we have contemplated are concrete events by which God’s intervention on our […]
The editor and staff of the Marist Messenger wish the very best of God’s blessings to all our readers and their families and friends for Christmas and for 2017. We pray that you and your families may be truly blessed. Sincere thanks for your encouragement and your support for the Marist Messenger. January 2017 Daily […]
Fulfillment Quotations in Matthew’s Gospel
Some forty years ago, Scripture scholar Peter Ellis wrote of the first gospel, ‘Reading Matthew, one gets the feeling the author put together his gospel with the precision of a Swiss watch.’ One sign of this precision is that Matthew includes in his Gospel ‘fulfillment quotations,’ Old Testament statements in something other than their historical […]
The Holy Family and Holy Families
As we come to the end of 2016, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, this year on 30 December. Speaking of families, I’m looking forward to spending time with my sister and her children and grandchildren during the summer holidays. Like all families, the one to which I rejoice to belong is not […]
Thursday 17th December
The calendar now changes from the ordinary days of Advent to the novena before Christmas to spiritually focus us on Mary and the birth of Jesus. Gen 49:2,8-10 shows the consciousness of the chosen people as bearers of the word. With Jesus redemption passed to all peoples. Of this I am a part in this […]