A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Christian’

Saturday 14 September

EXALTATION OF THE CROSS Numbers 21:4-9, Psalm 78, Philippians 2: 6-11, John 3:13-17 The Sign of the Cross The Exaltation of the Cross is one of the twelve important feast days of the Church and has been celebrated since the 4th century when St. Helena was sent to Jerusalem by her newly converted son, the […]

Friday 13 September

ST JOHN CHRYSOSTOM 1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14, Psalm 16, Luke 6: 39-42 Discernment Spiritual insight and discernment are important aspects of the Christian life. Discernment helps us to distinguish right from wrong and to make wise decisions. In regard to other people’s faults, we should use this discernment before judging or criticising them. Through prayerful […]

Saturday 7 September

Colossians 1: 21-23, Psalm 54, Luke 6: 1-5 Drifting Paul’s warning to the Colossians to never let themselves “drift away from the hope promised by the Good News” is one which we all have to heed. Drifting implies not really knowing where we are going. Maybe unwittingly, we have discarded the compass of prayer and […]

Wednesday 4 September

Colossians 1: 1-8, Psalm 52, Luke 4: 38-44 Healing within the family In this passage Luke gives a lovely picture of family relationships. Simon Peter’s mother-in-law is seriously ill and her family ask Jesus to do something for her, which he does by leaning over her and saying the fever had no place in her. […]

Monday 2 September

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Psalm 96, Luke 4: 16-30 Hope gives us strength One of the hallmarks of the Christian life is hope, yet often we become affected and depressed by attitudes of doom and gloom, encouraged by the financial crisis, natural disasters, revolutions and our own personal problems and suffering. The antidote to this depressing […]

The Book of Revelation (2)

Chapters 1 to 3 The inaugural vision of the Risen Christ fills chapter 1. John uses symbols that would be familiar to his first readers/hearers. Jesus is the “firstborn of the dead, and ruler of the kings of the earth,” an echo of Psalm 89:27 where God appoints David by the title “ruler of the […]

The Book of Revelation (1)

INTRODUCTION Musical praise of God is an important part of the Book of Revelation. Even those who know nothing of the text and message of the book may know some of the hymns based upon some of its passages: ‘All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,’ ‘Holy, Holy, Holy,’ and, of course, Handel’s ‘Hallelujah Chorus.’ […]

Healing the World through the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The brutal murder of British soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich England indicates that there is an underlying conflict of world religions that can break out at any time even in the most settled of countries. The two assassins were unusual in that they remained at the scene to deliver a message to passers-by, which was […]