A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Christian’

Saturday 26 April

St Mark Acts 4:13-21, Ps 118, Mark 16:9-15 Mystery Mystery is an important element of the Christian life. Three persons in one God, the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and Jesus rising from the dead are Christian truths that defy explanation and our human understanding. These mysteries challenge our faith and enrich it. […]

Thursday 24 April

Acts 3:11-26, Ps 8, Luke 24:35-48 It is true That Jesus rose from the dead is the core belief of the Christian life. Faith is a gift of God. We believe in the resurrection only because we have that gift. The disciples who stood dumbfounded when Jesus came among them and showed them his risen […]

Monday 14 April

Monday of Holy Week Isaiah 42:1-7, Ps 27, John 12:1-11 Hospitality Martha, Mary and Lazarus welcomed Jesus and his friends to their table. Jesus himself welcomed the poor, the weak and the disadvantaged. Hospitality is the hall mark of the Christian life. It is not an appendage to the message of the gospel but is […]

Our Bodies, Our Selves, Our Souls

Reprinted with permission, from The Common Good, a newspaper of the Christchurch Catholic Worker, No 67, Advent 2013 www.catholicworker.org.nz I have been speaking to quite a few people recently about how to speak about sexual activity to young people. How do we help them consider the seriousness of it, when it’s often treated as casually […]

Tuesday 14 January

I am called so nothing can overcome me Not only is Samuel born a miracle but God calls him to his special vocation as king of Israel. I am also called to be the best Christian I can be in the 21st century leading others by my example [1 Sam 2:1; 4-8]. Even when doubtful, […]

Wednesday 25 December

The Birth of the Lord Is 52:7-10, Ps 97:1-6, Hebrews 1:1-6, John 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Baby God The sceptic says “It is simply not possible that a God who, if he exists at all, created and maintains the entire Universe, with all its billions of galaxies and trillions of stars, could become a tiny, […]

Saturday 14 December

Saint John of the Cross Eccus 48:1-4, 9-11, Ps 79:2-3, 15-16, 18-19, Matthew 17:10-13 Favourite saints The Saints are presented to us as guides and models in Christian living and discipleship. Each of them have their own particular charism. Each can inspire us in a different aspect of Christian living. St John of the Cross […]

Friday 13 December

Saint Lucy, Martyr Is 48:17-19, Ps 1:1-4, 6, Matthew 11:16-19 A question for today’s generation “What comparison can I find for this generation?” This could well be a question Jesus addresses to our modern Western generation, increasingly ignorant of, indifferent or even hostile to, its Christian heritage, Christian belief and values. Surely God must now […]

Monday 2 December

Is 4:2-6, Ps 121:1-2, 1-5, 6-9, Matthew 8:5-11 Come as you are We can’t earn salvation. Living a “good Christian life” won’t make us “worthy” of eternal life. Trying to become worthy only becomes a barrier to grace. Acknowledging and accepting our unworthiness opens us up to the power and saving grace of Jesus Christ. […]

Monday 11 November

St Martin of Tours Wisdom 1:1-7, Ps.139, Luke 17:1-6 Martin allowed the Lord to search and know his heart. This led him to become a catechumen, a Christian, and then to forgo his life as a conscripted soldier to become a monk. He sought the Wisdom of God in simplicity of heart. He formed many […]