A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Christian’

Monday 21 July

Micah 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50; Matthew 12:38-42 On being Christian Micah – “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” I think that this sums up what we have to do as Christians. What do you think? Possibly there is more. […]

Thursday 10 July

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9;Ps 80; Matthew 10:7-15 No free lunches Jesus instructs the Apostles. “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay. Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff”. Jesus […]

The Secondary Patrons of Ireland – St Brigid

St. Brigid of Kildare The very youngest years of the life of St. Brigid of Kildare overlap the final years of St. Patrick (d. 461). St. Brigid directly influenced several other future saints of Ireland, and her many religious communities helped to secure the country’s conversion from paganism to the Catholic faith. According to one […]

Thursday 26 June

2 Kings 24: 8-17, Ps. 79, Matthew 7: 21-29 Doing the hard yards Doing God’s will is jolly hard. Do I avoid discerning God’s will for me by sliding off into what I think is ‘God’s work’, good works of my own choosing that I do in his name, thinking I am better than I […]

Wednesday 25 June

2 Kings 22: 8-13;23: 1-3, Ps. 119H, Matthew 7: 15-20 Listening to God’s prophets False prophets speak for themselves and their own ideas about God and Christian life. In times of great change they abound and attract a groupie type following. The true prophet is a rare individual who dares to speak for God and […]

Monday 23 June

Twelfth Week Ordinary Time 2 Kings 17: 5-8,13-15,18,Ps. 60, Matthew 7: 1-5 Keep on believing Being called a hypocrite is almost inevitable in a Christian life. Believing in the high ideals of love lived by Jesus Christ but failing in everyday ways to live up to them does invite vehement criticism from the world at […]

Wednesday 18 June

2 Kings 2:1,6-14, Ps. 31, Matthew 6: 1-6,16-18 Being ordinarily holy Sometimes we are poor judges of our Christian goodness. The world soon cuts us down to size. This is as it should be. When there is too much of me and not enough of God in my life I am better to be part […]

Friday 6 June

Acts 25:13-21, Ps.103, John 21:15-19 Be lead by God The time after receiving Holy Communion is a good time to reflect on how much I love God. Am I still following Jesus Christ or am I parked up in some comfortable Christian niche. There are many times in spiritual life when we are lead by […]

Saturday 26 April

St Mark Acts 4:13-21, Ps 118, Mark 16:9-15 Mystery Mystery is an important element of the Christian life. Three persons in one God, the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and Jesus rising from the dead are Christian truths that defy explanation and our human understanding. These mysteries challenge our faith and enrich it. […]

Thursday 24 April

Acts 3:11-26, Ps 8, Luke 24:35-48 It is true That Jesus rose from the dead is the core belief of the Christian life. Faith is a gift of God. We believe in the resurrection only because we have that gift. The disciples who stood dumbfounded when Jesus came among them and showed them his risen […]