Tag Archive for ‘Christian’
The One True Faith
When the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons knock at our door to proselytize, I tell them I belong to the ‘Old Faith.’ “What’s that?” “The Catholic Church; the one that goes back 2000 years to the time of Christ. Yes, the true Christian church founded by St Peter, the first Bishop of Rome and the first Pope. […]
Monday 20 April
Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119; John 6:22-29 Things of eternal life Today’s readings mark a change in tone. We hear of Stephen’s witness and then the danger he is in. In the Gospel Jesus recognises that the crowd were more interested in the food than the message or the sign. He calls them to look for […]
Tuesday 14 April
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93; John 3:7-15 One heart and one mind Today’s first reading reminds us that our faith is communal. The community were united and shared all things. It sounds great, the preaching is powerful, all needs are met. Our faith is not just about me and God, it is about how that is […]
Marriage Forever – Part II
Contemplating The Truth About Marriage For Life In the light of the recent Synod about Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the context of Evangelisation, it is good for all of us to reflect on married peoples’ call to mission and holiness and how that fits into the big picture of Catholic faith life. The […]
Thursday 29 January
Hebrews 10:19-25, Ps.24, Mark 4:21-25 The Lampstand In our modern secular western society Christianity is increasingly regarded with indifference, ridicule or even hostility. Christians provide generously and heroically for so many of society’s needs but downplay or even suppress the role that their Christian faith plays in providing the inspiration, motivation and energy for their […]
Saturday 24 January
St Francis de Sales, B.D. Hebrews 9:2-3. 11-14, Ps.85, Mark 3:20-21 Alone? If you’ve ever felt alone in your faith walk; if you’ve ever felt that your Christian commitment has created division or antagonism, even among close family, then you’re in good company. Jesus has been there! His extended family thought he had gone mad; […]
Monday 19 January
Hebrews 5:1-10, Ps.110, Mark 2:18-22 What’s New? The older we get the more we are likely to think there is no longer anything “new” to be discovered in our spiritual journey. How wrong can we be! Today’s Gospel reminds us of the “new-ness” of the Gospel! No matter how long we live, no matter how […]
Sunday 14 December
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Isaiah 61:1-2,10-11, Luke 1:46-56, 1 Thess. 5:16-24, John 1:6-8,19-28 Good News A sense of joy and expectation is in each of today’s readings. Even St. Paul tells us that to be a Christian is to be happy. The reason: God the almighty is coming to live amongst us, as human as […]
Friday 10 October
Galatians 3:7-14; Ps 111; Luke 11:15-16 Filled with God Living in faith and growing in virtue is a day-by-day effort. There’s no moment in the Christian life at which we can rest on our laurels and think that we have it made. That’s part of what Jesus was warning us about when he said that […]
Monday 22 September
Proverbs 3: 27-34; Psalm15; Luke 8: 16-18 Peppercorns These two parables are peppercorns –– short and sharp. All believers must be lamps, sharing their faith at all times by the way they live and when appropriate by sharing their beliefs with others. All believers must cherish Christian truth, strive to deepen their understanding of it […]