A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Christian’

Monday 26 November

Apocalypse 14:1-5; Ps 24; Luke 21:1-4 Tacked on Rather than focus on the monetary aspect of this Gospel, perhaps we could question the true intentions we put into our celebration of Christian worship. Do we give our all? Or is it something we approach as an afterthought? Another thing we tack on to the busyness […]

Friday 10 August

2 Corinthians 9:6-10; Psalm 111; John 12:24-26 Unless a wheat grain dies Archbishop Oscar Romero preached on this gospel at his last mass. In his homily he said “all that we cultivate on earth, if we nourish it with Christian hope, will never be a failure.” Shortly after, he was shot and killed. Dead, because […]

A Thankful, Sunburnt Country?

“Let us give thanks to the Lord our God,” invites the priest at each Mass. We reply “It is right and just.” In this brief exchange, we capture the essence of Christian prayer and the essence of a Christian way of being in the world. Being thankful is a central hallmark of the person of […]

Friday 19 January

1 Samuel 24:3-21; Psalm 57; Mark 3:13-19 Have mercy on me, God, have mercy David and Saul were both lovingly called by God. But David was the victim of Saul’s distrust. We have all experienced being hurt by others and wanting to strike back in anger. Many of us love a story where the victim […]

Friday 5 January

1 John 3:11-21; Psalm 100; John 1:43-51 A fundamental commandment When I was young I was told the tale of St John, who as an elderly preacher, would stand in front of the people and simply say: “My dear children, love one another.” This story goes to the heart of the entire Christian message: that […]

Friday 22 December

1 Samuel 1:24-28; 1 Samuel 2:1-10;Luke 1:46-56 Magnificat Mary proclaims the greatness of the Lord. Despite her trials and worries, she is able to praise God for all he has done. Our first duty as Christians is to praise God and give thanks for all he has done for us. Am I able to rejoice […]

Monday 18 December

Jeremiah 23:5-8; Psalm 72; Matthew 1:18-24 Honourable Joseph Joseph was a man of faith and prepared to take Mary as his wife even though this was going against Jewish religious convention. He did the right thing even though it may have brought him ridicule and shame. Doing or speaking up about what is right is […]

A School for Prayer (4)

The Way of Beginnings By Fr Craig  Larkin sm, 1943 – 2015 From the Church Fathers The Fathers of the Church have left us some descriptions of how Christians prayed in the first centuries of the Church. St John Chrysostom: all take it for granted that every Christian would pray night and morning Clement of […]

Sunday 24 September

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 55:6-9, Psalm 145, Phillippians 1:20-24,27, Matthew 20:1-16 Holy attitude In a Christian life, time and effort are not necessarily rewarded by God. Indeed they can become diversions if my life is not dedicated to God. Making the most of my time requires more attitude than effort. Am I willing […]

Tuesday 19 September

1Timothy 3:1-13, Psalm 101, Luke 7:11-17 Catholic character All the qualities that St Paul lists must be part of my Christian character. Even though I may not be called to be a leader in the community, I have a family and my family life is helpful in forming my Christian character. Jesus knows how important […]