Tag Archive for ‘Archangels’

Angels in Scripture
Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Everybody can picture an angel: white, downy wings, golden ringlets of hair, usually singing a hymn with a horn and a halo. These are almost universal images, and they are especially popular during the holidays. However, most people don’t know that the visual appearance of an angel […]
Saturday 29 September
Sts Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels Daniel 7:9-10 13-14; or Apocalypse 12:7-12; Psalm 138; John 1:47-51 Looking with love In Catholic tradition St. Michael is revered as the protector of the Church. Gabriel communicates important messages. His greeting to Mary lives on, repeated daily in the, “Hail Mary!” It is Gabriel who brings the gift […]

Angels All Around
In a little over three weeks, three sensible, ordinary, down-to-earth people spoke to me, in a matter of fact way, about seeing angels
Thursday 29 September
Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels Dan 7:9-10,13-14, Ps118, John 1:47-51 Angels Today’s feast is a reminder that this material world in which we live is only part of a much greater reality, a spiritual world of which we, as yet, know little. St Paul warns us “for it is not against human enemies that […]