Tag Archive for ‘Apostle Acts’
Monday 11 June
St Barnabas, Apostle Acts 11: 21-26; 13: 1-3; Matthew 10: 7-13 Freely you have received; freely give Christ’s instructions to his apostles are very clear – and as descendents of the apostles it is our mission to continue to carry out these wishes in healing and helping all people reach God’s kingdom – not for […]
Monday 14 May
St Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, Ps 113, John 15:9-17 Love one another In ‘Hornet’s Nest’ by Patricia Cornwell, a police officer and a reporter are sitting in a hospital waiting room. They see a young man, shivering and sweating, having difficulty breathing. People were sitting as far from him as possible. Clearly, he had […]