A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Annunciation’

Saturday 23 November

1 Maccabees 6:1-13; Psalm 9; Luke 20:27-40 Questioning the Lord There is nothing wrong with questioning the Lord. Mary did it at the Annunciation. The Apostles frequently questioned Jesus. It is the attitude with which we question that is important. The Sadducees no longer dared to question the Lord because their pride had led them […]

Learning from Mary

“Teach us Holy Mary, a loving song to sing…” Mary! Here portrayed as my sister, my neighbour, my Model, my Prompt, wearing so well the creaturehood we share with you. Mary, head lowered, quick to recognise the holy one before you, approaching you, in our midst. Mary with the face of a mere teen, yet […]

Mary’s Life in Stained Glass

Before the Birth of Jesus Over the last couple of decades I have been fascinated by religious stained glass, and have amassed a considerable number of photographic images. Recently I took stock of those I have that feature Mary, and found them fascinating for their variety and beauty. I hope, in this series of articles, […]

Monday 4 April

the Annunciation of the Lord Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38 An authentic response The Annunciation is one of the great feasts of the year. Mary hears the message from God and responds to it. It is a response that comes from the depths of her being – not just her head […]

Mary for Today – Mary and the Annunciation

Reading: Luke 1:26-38; Acts 1:14. Gospel Annunciations: This scene is found only in Luke, a gospel dated in the mid 80s, addressed to third generation Christians. It is a gospel closely related to its sequel, Acts of the Apostles, the story of the birth of the Church, and, as in the gospel, ‘the mother of […]

Mary for Today: The Annunciation – A Call to Vocation

It is easy to imagine Mary as a young woman, soon to be married to Joseph, dreaming of a loving marriage, a family, a home in the village among the people she knew.  There, she would lead a quiet life far from the gaze of the Roman occupation, protected from the bustle of the city […]

Tuesday 25 March

ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10, Ps 40, Hebrews 10:4-10, Luke 1:26-38 Humble obedience On the feast of the Annunciation last year, Pope Francis spoke of humility. “Making progress means lowering oneself” on the road of humility to allow God’s love to be clearly seen. Christian humility raises us to God, as those who […]

Friday 20 December

Is 7:10-14, Ps 23:1-6, Luke 1:26-38 Mary our model Two things about the Annunciation are very clear. First, Mary had little, if any, understanding of what Gabriel was saying and no idea of its consequences. She was “deeply disturbed” and thoroughly confused: “How can this be?”. But secondly, despite her lack of understanding and confusion […]

Mary’s Assumption

To create this mixed-media representation of Mary’s Assumption, American sculptor Charles L. Madden drew on the image in Revelation of “a woman clothed with the sun”. He combined this image with a couplet from Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from […]

Mary for Today – Part 8

Luke  Annunciation: Mary is not a disciple in the historical sense that she accompanied Jesus during his ministry, but in the sense that she heard the word of God and acted on it. In Luke’s theology the faith that marks a genuine disciple consists in hearing and acting on God’s word. This reminds us of […]