Tag Archive for ‘ALLELUIA’
Sunday 27 March
EASTER SUNDAYResurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34, 37-43, Ps 118, Colossians 3:1-4, John 20:1-9 ALLELUIA We are now witnesses to the risen Christ. In one way our journey with him is over, our suffering lifted up, we are risen with Christ, our sins are forgiven. In another way we are just beginning our true lives […]
Saturday 26 March
EASTER VIGIL Romans 6:3-11, Ps118, Luke 24:1-12 ALLELUIA The fullness of this night comes to me after the hardship of Lent. Have I imitated Christ in his suffering and death? The joy of being with him in his Resurrection unfolds before me as the whole night is riven with his glorious risen presence. It is […]