Tag Archive for ‘addiction’

Pornography: ‘Create in us a clean heart, O God’
“A society that makes light of chastity and winks at pornography in the name of freedom brings on itself precisely those behaviours that involve lack of self-respect, lack of respect for others, and lack of self-control. Society’s confusion about sexuality has consequences beyond sexuality itself. ” Seeking Faith, NZ Catholic Bishops’ Conference website. There’s been much […]

The Journey Continues
To those who might have been following my journey I apologise for the long absence – and indeed I do not intend to again be a frequent visitor to these pages but it seemed I ought to bring you up to date on proceedings – especially in regard to my battle with addiction and with […]

What I wish I’d said to Tom
I mentioned in the September Messenger that one day I would like to talk about Tom, someone to whom I owe amends as part of my 12-step addiction recovery program. It had not occurred to me that I would attempt it so soon but it keeps niggling me. I met Tom in 2004. He and […]

Still off the Canvas – Beating Addiction
LAST YEAR, I wrote candidly of an addiction that has plagued me for much of my life and, as a postcript, I mentioned that I had joined a 12-step program to try, finally, to get the monkey off my back. What I want to share with you, and what I hope may be of help […]

Down but not out for the count – addiction and grace
I AM not competitive. Sometimes I wish I had been. But recently a demon has beaten me and I am fighting mad and I am determined to get the upper hand again. You may remember, though it was quite a while ago, I mentioned that an addiction may have cost me my marriage – a […]

Pornography destroyed my marriage
The hidden perniciousness of pornography in a marriage. (Author’s name withheld.) I was married for a long time to a man addicted to pornography. I am now divorced. I became aware of his addiction early in our marriage. I found the ‘girlie’ magazines hidden under the bed, read, he said, for the articles. I wanted […]