Tag Archive for ‘100 years’
Saturday 25 April
ANZAC Day 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; Ps 116; John 12:23-28 Gratitude and Prayer Today we remember those who died 100 years ago protecting our freedom and the many men and women who have died in war since. So many people have been killed in the last century in wars and conflict. We are deeply grateful for […]

George Henry Duggan – the man, the myth
by Lyndsay Freer On 3 July, well-known Marist priest and “defender of the faith” Rev Dr George Duggan SM celebrates his 100th birthday. Regarded as one of this country’s eminent theologians and educators, Fr Duggan (affectionately known by his confreres and former students as “Chalky”) enjoyed a long career as a teacher, lecturer and author […]