March Saint – St Frances of Rome(Comments Off on March Saint – St Frances of Rome)
St Frances of Rome -9 March
Francesca Busso was a 'Roman of Rome', one who lived her whole life in the Eternal City.… More

February Saint
I am working in the Marist Archive, Wellington, and one of the items that has caught my interest is an 1847 Māori Catholic prayer book – Ko te ako me te karakia o te hahi Katorika Romana, which was printed in Russell and approved for use in the Vicariate of Western Oceania by Bishop Phillip Viard who was then Bishop Pompallier’s coadjutor.… More

January Saint
St Gregory Nazianzen
Andrei Rublev, Gregory the Theologian(1408)
2 January
I teach seminarians and theology students about the importance of the Ecumenical Councils and Gregory was one of the major players in the Council that produced the second part of the Creed we say at Mass.… More

December Saint
St Nicholas - 6 December
The Saint behind Santa
Santa Claus is a Dutch form of “Saint Nicholas” and is one of the titles by which the fourth century bishop of Myra came to be known, but what can reconstruct a little of the historical figure around whom extraordinary legends came to cluster.… More