MM 50 Years Ago 
MM 50 Years Ago(Comments Off on MM 50 Years Ago)
A Candle Meditation
A candle at the celebration of Mass burns toward God. We are like these candles and must allow God to light the wick of our souls so that we may be consumed and transformed into the warmth of the flame that soars to God.… More
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MM 50 Years Ago
My Way In
The Church has long ceased to be a strange county. I can now find my way with fair confidence at Mass.… More

MM 50 Years Ago
Modern humans are so alone
If there’s anything we can learn from the hippies, beatniks and drop-outs, it’s that in their own way they are expressing one of our constant searches – the search for a meaning to our existence.… More

MM 50 Years Ago
Catholic Samoa pays a visit to the Pope
In November 1971, Pope Paul landed for a day at Samoa on his journey from Manila to Sydney.… More