A Catholic Monthly Magazine

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Stations of the Cross(Comments Off on Stations of the Cross)


Opening prayer

Dear Jesus, help us to carry our daily crosses as you carried yours. Help us to become better and better, to become what you want us to be.… More

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A Surprising Knock at my Heart

When I was in Wellington for the weekend, there was no Sunday Mass at my local church, so I decided to walk to St Mary of the Angels’ for the choral Mass.… More

Our Holy Day — One God, Three Faiths

Keeping a ‘holy day’ each week is something Abrahamic faiths have in common, according to leaders of New Zealand’s Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities.… More

Stations of the Cross

The text is adapted from the ceremony led by Pope Francis, at the Colosseum, Rome, on Good Friday, 30 March 2018.More

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